Minecraft - How to quickly get diamonds


In this manual, we will tell you how to get diamonds in Minecraft.

Diamond search method in Minecraft

Tasks ⇔ action

1) Before the start of the quest, do not forget to take with you diamond pickups, golden pickles, torches and many buckets with water that will help you overcome Lava.

2) Start digging wherever you are, and during digging click F3.. In the newly opened menu you can check the digging level. Keep digging until you reach the level Y 11..

3) During digging, do not forget to dig on both sides, leaving the gap in 2 blocks. This will help us to penetrate into most of the earth, do not break into the pits with Loo or Mosh Pit.

4) Turn on the subtitles so as not to miss the sounds of the lava eruption, and if you hear any excavation, be careful and do not dig too much or too fast. Having reached a pit with a lava, keep a bucket with water at hand. After receiving the sound of the lava, digging around the area, where the players are most likely diamonds there.

Although there are other diamond production methods, this method is relatively more effective and requires less time. You can also search diamonds in the chests, but you need to be very lucky to find a diamond, just flowing in the chest.

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