Minecraft - the best Xbox One, PS4 seeds and all platforms


In this post, all the best Sides will be published for Minecraft 2021.

The best seeds Minecraft.


Seeds Java

  • Neverwinter: 627689198065479624
  • Mansion Oasis: -1167558203395702077
  • All biomes near the place of appearance: 64971835648254
  • Monument to fruitless lands: 6106940150691661575
  • Beautiful village on the top of the mountain at the point of revival: 46663436141796529

Seeds of indigenous rocks

  • Mesa alone: -1479345304
  • Simple start, great opportunities: salmon
  • Calling a robber: 1613434103
  • Ocean monuments in abundance: -1113465022
  • Great Start: 1487266664

Seeds Java


In this beautiful seed card you appear directly in the coastal village, surrounded by the mountains.

This is the perfect place to create a huge empire protected from raids and robbery.

Enemies have only one direction, so in fact it is just a matter of strengthening your protection there.

You can also use in your own interests huge mountains and dig right through them from your hometown.

Key places

  • Village №1: 70 80 20
  • Village number 2: 120 80 520
  • Village number 3: -810 80 75
  • Fortress: 1380 35 1252
  • Mine shaft: 20 35 60

Mansion Oasis

On this wonderful map of the mansion you appear in the center of a huge jungle biome with a biomemie around you.

If you go a little on the southwest and cross the mezu, you will find a pleasant oasis, locked in a biome of Mesa with a mansion in the forest!

This is an extremely rare find, it is an excellent basis for operations (when it is cleared) with a fantastic type of warm colors!

Key places

  • Forest mansion: 125 80 125
  • Creates zombies: 44 12 93
  • Three zombie generations: -18 42 -123 | -2 47 -126 | -12 30 -133
  • Mine shaft: 200 30 10
  • Village: 50 80 825

All beomas next to the appearance

Such seeds are one per million. From your place of rebirth, you will find every biome in the list, including rare options.

Some of these options are quite rare by themselves, but to make them all appear near the Renaissance, almost impossible.

This is an ideal card for you if you want access to all resources in the game. Let's talk about capturing the world!

Key places

  • Temple in the jungle number 1: 56 80 360
  • Temple in the jungle number 2: 184 80 552
  • Temple in the jungle number 3: -408 80 360
  • Ocean monument: 536 40-280
  • Witch hut: -248 70-408

Monument of fruitless land

We wanted to include this seed, because he has an interesting place for the appearance. Fancy lands are not the most common from biomes, but this seed creates you next to a large lake in barren lands, with the ocean monument right in the center! If you have ever been to Salt Lake City, you will feel that this is its version for Minecraft.

Key places

  • Ocean Monument: 24 40 8
  • Village №1: 372 80 804
  • Village number 2: 836 80 676
  • Shipwreck №1: 168 40-360
  • Shipwreck number 2: -280 40 520

Beautiful village on the top of the mountain at the point of revival

This seed simply captures the Spirit as soon as you appear, you can see the height on which you are. You can see all the beauty around yourself. Then, when you descend down and look up, you will see how the water with a cascade descends from the mountain, like a waterfall, surrounding the village, it's just wonderful.

Key places

  • Temple in the desert: 152328
  • Temple in the desert # 2: 216-408
  • Temple in the desert # 3: 104 -744
  • Biom Muster: -1287 300
  • Witch hut: 856 1112
  • Fortress: -1640-496
  • Destroyed portal: 136-280
  • Shipwreck: -280 8

Seeds of indigenous rocks

Mesa alone

You appear in Biome Mesa next to two abandoned villages on this map. Bioma Mesa, as you know, very aesthetic, and this is your wonderful chance to find out the secret, why the neighboring villages are abandoned.

The legend says that somewhere on the map there is a rustic house on a floating island.

Key places

  • Village №1: 2700 80 200
  • Village number 2: 2650 80 520
  • Mine shaft: -2120 40 375
  • Fortress: 1956 40-1020
  • Village on a floating island: 3994102-233

Simple start, great opportunities

As you can see in the image above, this LED provides classic experience of the appearance of Minecraft.

Start your adventure on the island, but be prepared to conquer almost everything that can offer a game!

This seed was in the spotlight, because you can find almost all types of buildings within 2000 blocks from the Renaissance.

This includes not only the structures of the above-walled world, but also the structure of the lower world. If you were looking for the best designs for better equipment, this is your seed card!

Key places

  • Another world
  • Ocean Monument: 135 40 203
  • Village: -653 90-349
  • Destroyed portal: -519 80 -583
  • Forest mansion: -900 80-999
  • Roma with a fortress and shaft: -1390 50-994
  • Emptiness
  • Bastion residue: -7 50-93
  • Fortress of emptiness: -47 50-164

Calling a robber

This complex seed offers you a fascinating quest right at the time of appearance! It appears within walking distance of the village, the mansion and the observation of robbers.

For those of you who love immediately proceed with the action when you appear, you can challenge yourself to protect the city and capture the stamping and mansion.

If you succeed, this seed will be the perfect starting point for the world of survival!

Key places

  • Village near the Renaissance: 1060 80 460
  • Forest mansion: 1660 80 330
  • Forcing robbers: 1480 80 350
  • Fortress: 1630 1040
  • Ocean Monument: -310-660

Ocean monuments in abundance

If you like the map of the ocean, this LED is perfect for you. You appear on a small island with a single tree.

This is a card for a slow start, but you will find yourself alone with an easily protected base. When you are ready, you will have dozens of ocean monuments nearby.

The next five ocean monuments are listed below!

Key places

  • Ocean monument number 1: 140 40 -380
  • Ocean monument number 2: 340 40 215
  • Ocean Monument number 3: 240 40 735
  • Ocean monument number 4: -780 40 60
  • Ocean Monument number 5: 200 40-840

Great start

What we like most in this Side is that it provides the classic Minecraft experience.

For us, experienced players, there was nothing better than finding the perfect revival with a large number of resources and a beautiful setting.

These are the types of cards that attract the clock while you build a convenient base, and those that you remember when you are experiencing nostalgia.

Try this card and get one of the most pleasant impressions from Minecraft!

Key places

  • Village: 225 80-750
  • Fortress number 1: -770-660
  • Fortress # 2: -1250-770
  • Forcing robbers: -980 80-870
  • Temple in the desert: -480 80120

What is Minecraft seed?

The seed is a randomly generated number that represents a certain world created when the new Minecraft game is started.

This seed can be used by other players for playing in the same world in which you play!

How to use Minecraft seeds?


When you create a new world, look for the "Advanced Parameters of the World ..." area, or in some cases you will simply find an empty text box in which you can insert your source code.

  1. As soon as you find this box, insert the concrete seed into it you want to download, and everything is ready!
  2. A more complex part lies in the fact that some Sids do not work in some versions of the game.
  3. For example, all positive initial numbers (numbers without - at the beginning) can be used from Bedrock to Java. In addition, if you have a negative seed from Bedrock, you need to add to it 4294967296 so that it works in Java version (more here).
  4. Finally, negative Java seeds will not work in Bedrock.
  5. Between Bedrock and Java seeds there will be inconsistencies that may include differences in neutral temperature and ocean biomes.

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