Standoff 2 - How to properly plant the bomb


How to Plant the Bomb Properly in Standoff 2 continues the tradition of the first installment in a new first-person shooter format for the series.

Choose a mode, grab your favorite gun, and quickly join the battle! Battles take place all over the world: from narrow streets somewhere in Italy to a secret laboratory in the mountains. In addition to new maps for the series, the return of the classic Training Outside and Arena in their updated form is waiting for you.

There will be something to fight. Over 20 weapon models are fully selectable from the very start of the game. Take what you like and go ahead and cut the frags! You can decorate your favorite gun as you like: the game has a huge variety of skins and stickers. Experiment and show off your combinations to other players!

You can brag about your skills. Take part in competitive matches where not only victory is at stake, but also your own rating. Can you win the rank of "Legend"? Playing with your team is not only more convenient, but also more fun. Create your own clan and invite your friends to play with the whole company!

How to properly plant a bomb in Standoff 2

When you put a bomb, look around, it can help you sometime, extra caution will not hurt you, put the bomb so that the enemy does not immediately notice it.

And that's all you need to know about how to properly plant a bomb in Standoff 2. There is something to add, feel free to leave a comment below.

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