Valheim from what can die?


Find out what you can die in Valheim, what difficulties you expect to do what to do to fulfill the goal, read in our manual.

Your character has a certain number of life points - a base number 25. However, this amount can be increased with the help of various types of food. When a character loses all his HP, he just dies.

What can you die in Valheim

The most obvious cause of death in the game is injured in battle. The stronger the enemy, the more health points he can take one attack. If you encounter such an opponent unprepared, you can die from one blow.

However, the fight is not the only way to lose life. You can also die from:

  • Smoke - If you divorce a fire inside the building, it will begin to form smoke. If you do not have a chimney, smoke will gradually fill the entire room. This will lead to the fact that oxygen will end in the room - your character will fall;
  • Falling from height - If you build a high construction, you may need an elevation. If you fall from it, you can lose all your HP;
  • Drowning - Your character is very vulnerable to water. If you fall into a deep reservoir, you can swim until the stamina supply runs out. Then you will begin to gradually lose health. You can still move, but if you do not insert until the shore, then die;
  • Crushing - Falling items, such as a fallen tree, can also kill. If you are busy logging, one mistake - and your character may die;
  • Poisoning - if your enemy has the ability to allocate toxins (for example, Blob living in swamps), then it can impose a poisoning status that takes a certain amount of health points for a certain time;
  • Frostbite - In the mountains you will gradually lose health without appropriate clothes or potions. This process will continue until you leave the zone or do not die.

And that's all you need to know about what you can die in Valheim.

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