Visage - how to get out to the street


How to go out into the street in Visage is a psychological thriller on the first person. Explore the mysterious, constantly changing mansion in the atmospheric game world.

Where time flows slowly, and implausible, cozy interiors are replaced by monstrously realistic scenes, imparting genuine horror.

The action of the game unfolds in a huge mansion where there were no time terrible events. You have to wander around the gloomy corridors, exploring every abandoned room and getting lost in endless labyrinths where the frightening memories and ghosts of those who lived and died here. A strange distorted world, where the only living being is you, it will discover the incomprehensible secrets, which even think about scary.

How to go outside in Visage

In fact, you yourself can not do this. You can go out into the street in Visage only in the second chapter, and only at certain moments, and then it is not a street in front of the house.

And that's all you need to know about how to go outside in Visage. There is something to complement Comment below.

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