Green Hell - Where to Find Sushnyak


Where to find Sushnyak in Green Hell you turned out to be one in the jungle, without food and gear. Your task is to survive and get to people.

But over time, loneliness begins to press everything stronger not only to your body, but also to your psyche - and your battle is wrapped in exhaustion for life. How much can you hold out alone against the unknown?

You do not get any help from the outside world. All you have is head and hands. You will have to master the methods of survival, building the shelter, make tools and weapons for hunting and self-defense. In the jungle your life is at risk: at any time you can finish wild animals and tropical diseases. Moreover, even your psyche becomes an enemy: you have to fight with traps of your own mind and fears that are not worse than mushrooms grow in the dock of the jungle.

Where to find sunyak in Green Hell?

Sushnyak You will constantly come across especially when you walk through the forest to choose leaves for treating wounds. You can also very often come across the nests of birds that are also very helpful to pick up, because they are dry and it will be possible to apply under the ignition, because here the system has several sticks or a stick and the board turns and after that it will be possible to light dry. And there are no special places where it will be exactly located.

The most huge place to find such an object to ignite the campfire is a forest, which in the game is essentially everywhere. Finding drywalk you will be on Earth almost anywhere. Since it is pretty, there is a lot of things, because there will be no problem in order to make this subject I will not really say you. And then you can already apply it in the form of a material to ignite a fire (most importantly) since the stick is logical.

And that's all you need to know about where to find drying in Green Hell. There is something boldly leave a comment below.

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