Harm of a computer for a child, harmful and negative consequences of computer games for a child. Why is a computer harmful to children? Scientists from the United States conducted a special survey of 5,700 babies aged 6 to 12 years. Researchers at the US Government Institutes of Medicine have completed a long-term study. They came to the conclusion that the brain of babies who spend a lot of time in front of a computer screen playing video games and on the Internet slows down in development and greatly degrades. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed that the patients who spent a long time in front of the screens of telephones, monitors, computers and even the TV, allowing them to take part in the most technically "advanced" video games, observed changes in the structure of brain tissue. Namely, the consequences say about the following, that in such babies thinning of the cerebral cortex can be traced. Thinning of the cerebral cortex confirms early aging in this area of the brain. Together with this, it became clear that in babies who are engaged in devices and other computer equipment, a visible increase in the dopamine of the so-called pleasure hormone can be traced in the bloodstream. With an increase in the level of dopamine in the blood, not only physical, but also psychological disorders are possible. For example, if a kid was asked to take out the trash or go for bread, then he did not at all orientate himself in space and did not know what to do, and there was also a strong academic failure. It was simply difficult for the child to tear him away from computer games, the children even refused to eat, just to play for another hour. Therefore, you need to prohibit your children from playing games or restrict them from unsafe devices.