Grand Theft Auto V - how to pump power


How to pump strength in Grand Theft Auto V to spend a series of bold robbery and survive in a big not friendly city, street tack.

I came to retire the robber of banks and the institution of horror, psychopathies have to work with the most torn and insane criminals, showmen and civil servants of the west coast and this guide will help you deal with it.

How to pump strength in Grand Theft Auto V?

It's pretty simple, you need to participate in various racing competitions. And it is not necessary to win the victory in every race, because even if you even take the last place, you still get a few dozen "rating", allowing to pump the character. Whatever enough, it would not sound rude from the cops. Participation in pursuit with police, in addition to "adrenaline," can bring you benefit in the form of an additional award rating glasses. At the same time, there is a risk of being caught, but in case of successful care from persecution, you can "fall" several hundred rating. Car hijacking. And you do not need to bother on this, because according to statistics every few minutes any player changes its cars. Exercise in sports in the sports and gym. Participation in Basejumping and golf game can bring you and drive, and bonus glasses pumping, which cannot but rejoice. The hidden parameter used only in GTA Online. It is shown to the player only when each twentieth rank is reached when the character receives 20% of health. For example, on the 20th rank of your maximum health is only 20 units out of 100, at 40m - 40 and so on. At the 100th level, the hero receives the last 20%, and after that the total amount of health is no longer increasing.

And that's all you need to know how to download strength in Grand Theft AUTO V. There is something to boldly leave a comment below.

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