Valheim - How to stab in the back and what is it for?


Backstab is an advanced combat mechanic in Valheim that does a lot of damage to enemies. Players will need to attack an uninformed enemy from stealth.

Combat is an important part of Walheim's gameplay, and there are several different mechanics and characteristics that affect the way Vikings fight and the amount of damage they can deal. Each biome of Valheim has enemies of varying strengths and fighting styles, from Grays in the grasslands to Fulings and Fulin villages on the plains. Players will also eventually kill enough enemies to pick up sacrificial items to be used to summon the five main bosses currently in Valheim Early Access. Players can use Stealth in Valheim to attack unsuspecting enemies and increase the damage dealt to them on the first hit using Backstab.

Like other RPGs and roguelikes, Valheim's Backstab mechanic is an advanced technique that is useful against enemies who are not yet aware of the player character's presence and who are completely healthy. Every weapon in Walheim has a backstab modifier, letting players know how much extra damage they can deal with a successful backstab. Most weapons in Walheim have at least a 3x Backstab multiplier, and most knives have a 10x multiplier. To use the Backstab, players will need to upgrade the Viking Sneak ability. Here's how to backstab in Walheim.

How to Sneak Attack Unsuspecting Enemies in Valheim

Backstab is a bit of a misnomer for this particular Walheim combat mechanic, as players don't have to backstab an enemy to get the bonus damage multiplier. Instead, they just need to hit an enemy who is not yet aware of their presence, usually because they used stealth and were out of the enemy's line of sight.

To enter stealth mode and sneak up on enemies, players will need to use the left Ctrl. This requires stamina, so players cannot stay stealth for very long, but this time can be extended by eating stamina-boosting foods. Players can also improve their sneak skill like any other skill by using it frequently.

Players need to stay away from the enemy in order to properly backstab. They can use the indicator on the screen to determine if they have noticed. A flat line is used to indicate that a player has not been spotted. A line with a small top tells the players that the enemy senses their presence, but does not see them. An eye-like icon tells players that an enemy has seen them. Players can improve their stealth and remain undetected in most situations by wearing troll armor.

To perform a backstab, players will need to approach their target stealthily (meaning the indicator must be a flat line) and either use a melee weapon or a bow and arrow to hit the enemy before they become aware of the player character's ability. presence. It's easier to get a backstab damage multiplier when using a bow and arrow, but since knives often have a higher multiplier, players can deal much more damage using melee weapons.

A backstab will work on almost any enemy, but not on boss fights. The player must summon the five main bosses in Valheim to actively hunt down the player. Because of this, they cannot be taken by surprise. Backstab also only counts if the enemy is at full health. Enemies with partial health can be attacked stealthily, but players will not receive a Backstab multiplier for this.

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