Loop Hero - How to call for Medusa


In this manual, we will tell you how to create jellyfish and how to call them in Loop Hero.

Medusa call process in Loop Hero

Jellyfish are actually generated Siren in Game.

Siren can cause jellyfish every 3 Ataaki With the help of your call ability.

This happens after Chapters 3. in Game. Medusa act like minions of sirens, like your skeletons with the ability of the necromancer.

Siren appears once For each cycle consisting of shipwreck tile.

Medusa is a creature that is made exclusively and only from the water.

Because of this, jellyfish sharing swinging strikes on your character when they are called.

However, since he himself is a minion, his defense is also rather weak.

Jellyfish abilities:

  • Ambush
  • Friendly fire
  • Legionary

When jellyfish killed, she also drops Formless mass As a resource you can use.

You also have a chance to get an encyclopedia when you fight them.

That's all you need to know about how to call jellyfish in Loop Hero.

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