Review of EVE Online what I think about the game


Are you tired of real life? You do not have comrades, girlfriends, beloved occupation and for you laziness to leave the house? Do you think that no one is needed in our world and there is no usefulness from you?

Then, welcome to EVE Online! This decision will become completely you, because it will be the 2nd health. And as soon as you work hard, then you will generally become a dad and drive a Teton in 5 years.

Warnings: this video game will make you paranoid, you will stop believing in anyone, you are unlikely to return to normal life after it, it is likely that you will stop napping, in general, you will get lost in time and place.

Requests: it is likely that as a result of this video game you will learn to think logically, if you couldn’t do it before, otherwise you won’t be able to endure all the hardships here, keep a calculator on hand at all times, if you think that you are doing the right thing, ask the most experienced gamer, think again, later again, and later again 5 and in the end, say to yourself that this is not necessary, since I will be destroyed by all of you, without exception, in the same way they will eventually be destroyed.

It’s better to think a couple of times, find a teacher in terms of ability or a building where they will be able to teach, without this you will spend a lot of time and money in nowhere, have a fire extinguisher, fan, ice, or something that can stop the heat of your spaces, in terms of ability, that they will blaze at times, be prepared to be left with nothing that you had and welded for a long period of time in an instant, without the ability to return it back to yourself, read, look, memorize burning guides and remember, they don’t play Eve, they live in it.

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