RUST Overview Naked Characters


Hello dear reader. In this review, I will try to hurt all themes. The entire gameplay process of the game is tied to the constant search for resources and battle with other gamers, in the video game there are such ores like a cobblestone, sulfur ore, steel ore. Sulfur ore plays considerable significance in the development of explosives, for this reason, from the very beginning of the game it is worth storing like a zenitsa of an eye. Also, steel ore, which, when smearing, provides moments of steel, which in their turns are used almost everywhere. Similarly, all the location of the barrels and boxes in which you can get both drawings and components necessary for creating objects. The location contains the buildings or something similar. Procurement, I know a certain number of places: sphere, cosmodrome, combat base. By visiting them you will be able to find both mobilic boxes and the military. In combat there are weapons / protection / cartridges, etc. Similarly, there are 2 in Rust, to be honest, I do not know how to even call them ... In general, a helicopter will fly throughout the video game location every 2 hours of present time, which wins all who in armor and with weapons (even with onions). You can get it up for you to get 2-3 boxes in which there is a case to get a ditch lout. Ground candidacy helicopter - tank. It is thoroughly not distinguished by anything, this is the same helicopter, only with caterpillars and rides on the cosmodrome, guarding the counties.

Appearing on the location Do not hope for compassion. Almost every gamer wishes to destroy you, even a beginner who did not have so long ago, with a great deal of wanting to destroy to you with a stone in faith and get your precious Lout. I play on the server where almost 60 people are playing consumably. It was hard enough, but I managed to develop to the best weapons and protection without death and the raid of the rest of the gamers. I did this as a result of trading and supporting other gamers. For a certain number of days I highlighted near 40 gamers, but also died more than 30 times. Having gained a lot of comrades, I could not worry about the next thing that when I start to raid, then some gamers will come and assign me to fight back. Ready to announce with confidence that there is both good people in Rust and unfriendly. Remember the very worst gamers - schoolchildren, do not confuse! Shkolota and schoolchildren are quite different people, as I myself met a lot of teenagers who behaved very correctly, schoolchildren will scold, fooling out, etc. oh my God. Even minecraft will envy such a number of objects that you can do, but before you learn. I will not keep silent about the workbench. The video game has 3 types of workbench and everyone is needed to create items of specific things. 1st workbench allows you to build b4 bean C4 and other things ..In general, the entire workbench allowed to build concrete thing. Starting to play late autumn in the evening, relaxing and blossoming fragrant coffee, after 2 hours I had a robe, specifically that the strongest robe. I just did not give to get out of the beach. Having a cobblestone in one hand, in the other hand a causal place, you turn out to be one hundred percent of armed people sitting on the towers. Almost all the holochops were sad and destroyed each other directly on the site of the resp. We did a spear and destroyed just that appeared, stroking human faith, and naturally thought about the project of flight from the beach.

Around the beach in a radius of 500 meters was semiring from the walls and the highest, but because the owners had a certain number of people, they had holes in the intersection of their influences. On the walls of the wall, we have traditionally stood 3 people with bolts, blossoming by such Taurra Defense. Having made a couple of trial crashes, we found that only a couple shoot at night, and 3rd got into the eyes in the darkness, this will then fulfill our hand. One person out of 5, from the third right even fell behind the walls, but found a minefield from cafes there and actually min. On the third night we were ready, there were 10 people in our arsenal with spears and 5 without things of people. Goluba were scored under the horror of repeated death and were our argeegard (cannon meat). Moving from the beach with a distributed order, under the janking of 2 bolts, only 3 were devoted to the walls without a person and 7 speeches. Before us was the task of rapidly overcome the minefield - in this case, we lined up with each other, putting the people who remained without things. They were enough for a flat number of 100 meters, then we jerked themselves. It was very highlighted by the supplies of human flesh, everyone had 3 stacks. When we having reached half, we heard how the fire began to fire for us, by that we went to hide apart the rest of the path. Mines began to explode around and click trampling, people fell alone by one. To the forest, which was the boundary of the minefield, only a couple were preferred - me and another Kopean man. In the end, we were free. My companion firmly manno expressed and moved to the hut. I stayed alone, surprised from this beginning of the game on the server. Now I was expected to build a house.

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