Minecraft - how to create a flashlight


In this manual, we will tell you how to create different types of lanterns in Minecraft.

How to crafting lanterns in Minecraft?

  • For crafting, players in the lanterns will need 9 iron nuggets and a torch.
  • Gorgery of iron can be found in the chests located on the sunken ships or in the villages.
  • Iron nuggets can also be obtained by paying iron tools or weapons.
  • On the other hand, torches are very easy to find, because they appear for free in many places, but if torches are not available, players can also use charcoal or sticks.
  • In Minecraft, players can create three types of lamps: the lantern of the soul, the sea lamp and the Jack lantern. Let's see how players can create each one.

Lantern soul

Lanterns of the soul are very similar to ordinary lanterns, but they are blue and repel the piligins, which is useful, given their habit of mobbering.

The only difference in how it is made, instead of ordinary torch, players need to use the soul torch. If you use charcoal or wands, they will need to add the Earth to the soul or soul blocks.

Marine lantern

As the name follows, this lamp is used as a light source under water, and all ingredients for its creation are also available under water, so the players should have a ready-made potion under water. Players will need prism fragments and prism crystals to create it, and to get it, they need to defeat the guardians and senior guards at the ocean monuments.

Collect 4 prism fragments and 5 prism crystals and place a fragments in the corners, and the crystals in the middle to create a sea lamp.

Jack O 'Lantern

To get a terrible feeling from the Lantern of Jack Oh, we need it, it is a pumpkin, cut it with scissors and after cut, connect it with a torch, and that's all that the Jack Lantern is created.

The lantern can be used for the manufacture of snowy and iron golems.

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