Rust how to see at night


When the sun sits on the Rust Islands, we plunge into the ink blackness of the night. Sometimes the period of pitch darkness occurs, and in those nights when the moon does not rise at all.

It seems that darkness lasts forever. Fortunately, Rust has several ways to find the road at night. Some methods are more accessible and economical than others, while others can actively end you.

Electric lighting in Rust

There are two types of electrical lighting. The first is the ceiling lamps. Each ceiling lamp consumes two power and has a passage component, which simplifies their installation. The higher the lamp is located, the greater the lighting area.

You can use other lamps, such as search engine or siren. However, they will illuminate only small areas and sometimes with flashes or stroboscopes that can distract attention.

Lighting devices in Rust

All who played in Rust must be familiar with the player's torch. You are boring with one torch and make another, using some tree, fabric and low grade fuel. By clicking the right mouse button, you will burn the torch. Keep in mind that at night a grilled torch is a lighthouse for other players and will attract unwanted attention to you.

If you are lucky enough to find a flashlight, you can see even better in the dark. The flashlight works just like a torch, but illuminates another area in front of you, and it does not burn out over time. You can also explore the drawing to create a WEAPON Flashlight fashion to attach a flashlight to the rail system of your weapon.

In the boxes with a load, sometimes you can find signal missiles. Torches are especially useful in dark places, such as military tunnels and mines, as they give enough light to see the terrain.

Lighting devices in Rust

In Rust there are three items that can be used to see in the dark. The first two are a candle cap and a mining helmet. They can be found in boxes in mining monuments. It requires low-grade fuel to their work, but your hands remain free to use tools and weapons.

In the locked and special boxes, you can also find a couple of night vision points. Energy is required for their work, and you can recharge them on the workbench. They slightly bother with vision, but their advantage is that they give light only to you and anyone else.

All types of wearable lighting replace helmets or head armor. To compensate for the loss of the armor, you can use most of them in a pair with a gangster.

Basic lighting components in Rust

Any of the basic components of the RUST, using fire, will provide at least a bit of light.Furnaces and barbecue emit dull orange light and provide comfort. For more substantial lighting, you can use a fire or stone fireplace. Although the fireplace greatly illuminates the room, it cannot be used for cooking or metals.

Almost all the basic lighting components will burn wood in exchange for fire and charcoal. There are several options for basic lighting using low-grade fuel. First of all, it is a lantern and a lamp from the bank of Tuna.

Both options use low-grade fuel rather slowly, which makes them ideal for long-term basic lighting. Do not forget that any database lighting will inevitably be visible to players outside the base. Campfires and stone fireplaces, in particular, tend to send light through the slots. Although it is not a big problem, but advertises players that you are at home and are active.

Use fashion for weapons, such as a lamp for weapons

Weapon lamp is a convenient way to see at night. Like a manual flashlight, this flashlight does not spend resources for inclusion. In addition, this weapon model allows the player to keep the weapon in the hand while using the lantern, which is much safer in potential PVP situations.

Purchase RUST items on the Steam market

Several rust objects that give light can be purchased on the Steam market. The most notable and valuable are Christmas lights, Deluxe Christmas lights, as well as a small neon sign, a middle neon sign and a large neon sign.

You can purchase two types of christmas lights: classic Christmas lights and newest Deluxe Christmas lights. Classic Christmas garlands are small two-meter garlands, which can be placed on the wall or on the floor on your database. This element copes well with the task of lighting the interior at night and does not require electricity, which makes them very popular in the market.

Deluxe christmas garlands are much more versatile, they can be installed as well as electrical wires using the wire laying tool. The compromise with this subject lies in the fact that it works on electricity, and electricity consumption increases the load on the power system of the base. These lamps, of course, do not emit light, but the inventive interior designer can pave paths through the database using these lamps.

Another funny lighting option is to use Neon signs RUST to illuminate walls based on. Be careful with the types of signs that you create, and stick more decorative than guides. If neon signs are hanging on the walls, indicating the path either deep into the base, or in the room with a dirty good, you advertise potential raiders, in which direction they should move inside the base.

Skins RUST with lighting components

If you are just trying to find the road on your database in the dark, you can use the skins glowing in the dark. Many components of the base have purchased skins, and many of them have a skin version, which includes at least a little luminous paint in the dark. The strategic placement of these items can help you focus on the database at night and gives an additional advantage - they do not emit light through the slots, like a bonfire or oven.

The most useful are the skins of doors and boxes, especially indoors with a large number of storage facilities. Although their glow is not so bright to emit light, they perform the role of focal points in the room, helping you find the road on the database without having to include light.

Way lighting

In Rust there are many options, how to find the road in the dark. Whether you are on your database or make your way through wildlife, each method has its advantages and disadvantages.

What method of lighting will suit you the best of all depends on what you need to see at night: to grow agriculture in the dark or try to navigate the door of the door on the main basis of the group. Try the above methods until you determine how much you are willing to spend on achieving different lighting quality.

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