No Man's Sky - The Role of Star Systems


How many star systems are there in No Man's Sky? A colorful action game where you will find yourself in the endless expanses of space.

The whole universe is filled with various planets, on which all kinds of life forms live. You will go on a long and exciting journey to uncover an infinite number of different secrets. On your way you will meet a lot of heroes who in one way or another will affect your life.

How many star systems are in No Man's Sky?

There are 4 types of systems:

yellow - the most common. On these planets you can find emeril and only there you can find gold (only landscape deposits). Only yellow systems are affected by the main tags: Raging, Ancient, Lush, Balanced. That is, in other types of star systems, different types of planets spawn with the same chance. It does not change from galaxy to galaxy and is averaged.

Red - is less common. Only there you can find Cadmium. You can fly to the red system only with a cadmium drive.

Green - rare. On the planets of this system you can find Emeril. It can only be achieved with emeryl drive.

Blue - extremely rare. On the planets of this system you can find Indium.It can only be achieved with an indium drive.

Most likely, emeryl occurs in the blue and red systems, but only in the form of crystals on asteroids.

There is an assumption that different types of galaxies have a different number of systems. For example: in Calypso you can often meet red star systems.

In different types of systems, you can find a different number of lush (LUSH), exotic planets, as well as planets with a lot of exotic resources, such as gravity balls.

Scale by number of exotic planets and exotic resources:

  1. Blue systems.
  2. Green systems.
  3. Red systems.
  4. yellow systems.

Scale for the number of lush planets:

  1. Red systems.
  2. Green systems.
  3. Blue systems.

The chance for lush planets in yellow systems varies depending on the type of galaxy!

Potential for exotic and lush planets to drop in yellow systems:

  • Imperfect galaxy - 2 times higher
  • Lush galaxy - 4 times higher

V Raging galaxy, there are no lush planets in yellow systems!

ancient galaxy- 2 times higher chance of meeting with dead planets, lush ones meet with the usual chance (i.e., less than in imperfect ones).

The player is faced with the task of how to do better - either fly to the red systems, where there are many heavenly planets, or fly to the blue ones, where there are many exotic planets and resources.

That's all you need to know what are the star systems in No Man's Sky? If you have something to add, feel free to leave a comment below.

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