Overview NBA 2K18.


I will note that an extreme basketball simulator, in the one that I was played, was NBA Live 2003.

And on comparison with that game NBA 2K18, 15 years later, made a huge number of big steps forward: excellent graphonium, awesome mechanics, excellent physics, a bunch of all sorts of fusion modes, both for online and offline video games and everything in such a spirit, in general , Full set to drive the beloved from the bottom of our hearts or is not the easiest of sports on the computer.

Personally, I bought this game for the sake of the Maimer career mode. And here I got a real bush. Guys, it is tin and what is distant in the very good sense. It all begins with the fact that we get any dude with Overall 60, with which it is quite difficult for the street to voiced in Streetball. Well, newbie and all that, okay. However, what a lash it takes it to NBA? No, to stuff the main character at first in some kind of amateur league, full-scale street championship, competition between institutes, or something like that ... Further, if you are not soaring frequenter of sports simulators and about them I am not sure, the story that You will have to follow the monitor and the baby beating that the language will not be called.

Personally, I tried the game as in the hardest, and in the easiest difficulty level, and the only difference that I managed to note is that at the level of use, your team will simply win more often, and your gamer, as was the insignificance, So they remained. With all this you can even comparable to drag the game, however, the resistance will occur approximately monotonous. True, for the victory of the team will be accrued to accrue the small value of the additional coins, which you will be to waste on the development of the hero, however, how it would not sound it, pumping here such a mutual case that these additional coins will be like a drop in the sea, and bombard The time of each next video game will still have to.

And I have not yet identified the main minus of the entire career process. The most basic opponent in the beginning will be not even difficulty or the wretchedness of the hero, but siting on the store bench. The first time you can play to play for a certain number of minutes in the round so fourth with me it was. Seriously .. Even if you manage to make something for this period of time, do not expect a miracle in the subsequent video game, then your hero also remains the worm on the pickup. In order to escape in the starting lineup, you will have to threaten to breed, well, in general, everything, like life in essence, however, sorry, it seemed to me that the game is obliged to vary anything. And the funny thing, I understand that everything written by me in essence somewhere purely in mind looks quite intriguing: such as hardcore and all that.However, this is distant not so. Strip similar in life and in the video game completely different property. And a dozen hours later, in a quarry, right up to you, most likely, exactly supplement, which is coming down here all to the stupid Greena. I sat on the shop, ran around the site, played badly, but the stats swung, waited for the subsequent video of the game, and so in a circle until you start dragging at the expense of Kach. Skill here in general by, if there is no exceptional natural skill, however, about the snorkens, I repeat, not a fact. The developers did not begin to bother with any balance: here's a stupid and merciless reality, here you are your nonentity, grinding, tolerate, expect. For the rest of the reviews, as I realized, in this case, donat will assist, Evono, as in a single video game for 1800 rubles. Cherry on a career cherry for the open world Open World Open 2 blocks, if to be more precious and not very countless pribluda except for a lot branded sneakers for the Castomization of the Hero, as in the wandering mode on the open world, however, there is also to do with you and on you, and in the mode of performances on the matches there everyone doesn't care about you, therefore, how, not counting the artificial mind and your personality there is no one will not.

Oh, quite, forgot: There are mistakes in the video game. Where the video game from 2K without errors. In the main thing, these are insignificant figures, such as curves of socks or headphones attached in the air next to the head, but here's one point it seemed to me in particularly fascinating: in the career mode of the gamer after the round, coins for pumping the hero are not constantly accrued. Such a bug looks doubly intriguing, if you write attention to the fact that some users have long been referred to in responses, 2K often produce updates to the game and do not even pick up to push the donat's advertisement, but for some reason it cannot be fucked up one of the problems. which you need to five the first, my mother, turn.

Also, NBA 2K18 has multiplayer abilities. For them, in essence, I can not tell anything. I just note that with the middle web in the mode of wandering around the town in a single career game, this mode is online in places of accumulation of other people's heroes I have a lot of frisite, then think it yourself. Well, about the unrigible hints on the relevance of Donate in a single, I also said, about the multiplayer also there is something to think about.

Against the background of everything listed, I had such a verdict: the progress is exactly moving forward, but it could go away. NBA 2K18, of course, probably the best basketball simulator today, however, it could be absolutely better. If we consider that the developers are engaged in the plan have long been long and from year to year they often only make better generations, then they could work hard and diligently, release an even more thoughtful thing and significantly influence their appetites.

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