The Sims 2 cheat codes and secrets


If you are tired of playing and earning a penny to buy certain things, you can use the codes that are given unlimited possibilities, a lot of money, endless lifestyles, as well as cheat codes for a new addition.

During the video game, click together [Ctrl] + [SHIFT] + [C]
After that, enter subsequent cheat codes:
(ATTENTION: Cheat codes are susceptible to register)

Quick codes for The Sims 2:

HELP - list of all cheat codes in the game
Help [] - Show information about a specific cheat code
Example: Help [EXIT]
Kaching - get 1000 money
exit - get out of the game
EXIT - close the code input field
Expand - change the size of the code input field
MoveObjects on - removes the restriction on the occupied place
For all objects in BUY MODE mode (purchases)
And Build Mode (Building)

Main codes for The Sims 2:

Kaching - adds 1000§ to your simams
Motherlode - adds 50.000§ to your Simam
MoveObjects ON / OFF - the probability of moving unprepared objects and "apply" objects on themselves
Aging ON / OFF - disables / turns on the aging mode
Stretchskeleton (VALUE) - Changes the height of Sim (Example: Value 0.5 Reduces its growth in 1/2, the value in 2.0 increases twice
For the operation of additional codes, you must initially enter the Intprop EnablePostProcessing True code
intprop censorgridsize [0-8] - sets the number of blocks in the censorship grid or removes it
BOOLPROP SIMSHADOWS [TRUE | FALSE] - Enables / disables shadows for Sims
Intprop maxnumofvisitingsims [1-8] - you can invite more guests to parties. You can change the extreme amount to the largest or smallest. Apply the code in the viewport mode
BOOLPROP SNAPOBJECTSTOGRID TRUE / FALSE - Write 'False' to lay an object outside the grid (not true by floor cells)
FaceBlendLimits ON / OFF - When developing a baby in family creation mode, you can turn on / off asymmetry
BOOLPROP TESTINGCHEATSENABLED TRUE / FALSE - Enables / disconnects the video game.
Floatprop tvvolume - change the sound of the telecale

Codes for The Sims 2 University

BOOLPROP ALLOW45DEGREEANGLEOFROTATION [TRUE / FALSE] - allows you to rotate at least some object for 45 degrees (rotation using buttons)
SetHighestallowedLevel [Level] - Built the most 5 floors
BOOLPROP DORMSPECIFICTOOLSDISABLED [TRUE / FALSE] - allows you to create and demolish the walls in the hostel
ChangeLotzoning [Residential | Community | Greek | DORM | SecretSociety] - Changes the type of lot where you are.

Codes from NightLife.

FamilyFunds "Surname" 5,000 - complements 5 000§ to the family budget.
UnlockcareerRewards - unlocks tolerance to all career awards.
MaxMotives - Increases all the need for active sims in the area (including guests).
MotiveDecay ON / OFF - turns on / off natural shortening needs.
AspirationPoints # - allows the most expensive prize objects for zeal.
LockASPIRATION ON / OFF - disables / turns on the shortening of zealing points for all sims in the area.
Roofslopeangle (15-75) - In the construction mode sets the angle of inclination of all the roofs in the area.
ShowheadLines ON / OFF - makes invisible ideas balls (useful when developing movies).
AspirationLevel (0-5) - sets the stage of zeal (0 - the smallest, 5 - platinum).
AGESIMCHEAT ON / OFF - complements "Set Age" in the interaction menu. If any, which you click, you can install any age group.
SETLOTLIGHTINGFILE "FILE NALL" - Changes the lighting by selecting an alternative illumination file. The original can be found in EA Games - The Sims 2 - NightLifetsDataResLights.To return the original lighting in the area, you must enter "SETLOTLIGHTINGFILE CLEAR".

Codes for The Sims 2 Open For Business

Plumbobtoggle [ON / OFF] - Make Rhombick over the invisible head.
AddneighbortofamilyCheat [ON / OFF] - complements at least some NPS in the family (they will not leave not disappear)
ForceTwins - code for this so that twins appear
Sethour [0-23] - you can set the time for at least what hour of the day. It is very comfortable for pumping exactly your abilities or acquiring all crafting talent icons per day, have a lot of time for homework, children walking, etc. Comfortably similar to television series, to rapidly run away from the day by night.

Codes for The Sims 2 Pets

BOOLPROP CONTROLPETS [ON / OFF] - allowed to keep under control of pets
BOOLPROP DISABLEPUPYKITTENAGING [TRUE / FALSE] - Delolates kittens / puppies not to grow
BOOLPROP PETATICTIONCANCEL [TRUE / FALSE] - you will not be able to suspend some kind of animal acts, but with this code - you can
BOOLPROP SHOWCATALOGEPFLAGS [TRUE / FALSE] - activates parts of things, i.e. You can look at the deployment, from which update is that or another subject.
BOOLPROP PETSFREEWILL [TRUE / FALSE] - Doms on / off free free pet
DELETEALLAWNINGS - Kills all canopies on the lot
DeleteallFences - kills all fences on the lot
Deleteallhalfwalls - kills all the half-ray on the lot
DeleteAllObjects [DOORS / Windows / Stairs] - removes all windows, doors, stairs on the lot
DeleteAllWalls - removes all the walls on the lot
Individualroofslopeangle [15/75] - Changes the angle of inclination of the roof

Opening keys for The Sims 2 Pets

These codes are allowed to open extraordinary wool and collars for pets.
To enter the keys, click on the display of the key in the lower right corner of the gaming of configurations.
Look all the keys to open

Codes for The Sims 2 Seasons

BugjartimeDecay - code for immortality of fireflies in the bank.
No Social Worker for Hot or Cold - Social Employee will not take your baby, if he is hot or cold.

Codes for The Sims 2 Bon Voyage

ChangeLotzoning Hotel - allows you to create a hotel.

Codes for The Sims 2 Free Time

ModifyneighborhoodTerrain ON / OFF - letters to change the stage of the Earth Square
1. Mark the cursor area of ​​the Earth, which you want to raise or omit.
2. Click [either] to raise / lower this area of ​​the Earth. Customize the area

Codes for The Sims 2 Apartment Life

ChangeLotzoning ApartmentBase - allows you to create rooms (apartments).
ApartmentBuildBUYRestrictions [ON / OFF] - allowing the use of Buy Mode and Build Mode in apartments.
ChangeLotzoning ApartmentBase / ApartmentSublot / SecretWitchLot - Changes Lot type (Private apartment / Piping / Hidden Witch Lot).
BOOLPROP APTSUBLOTSPECIFICTOOLSDISABLED FALSE - provides tolerance to all objects outside the borders of your apartment.
BOOLPROP APTBASELOTSPECIFICTOOLSDISABLED FALSE - allows you to rebuild the walls in your apartment.
Using the [and] buttons, you can now raise and lower the wall shelves.

Stroy codes in Sims 2

MoveObjects ON / OFF - the probability of moving unprepared objects and "apply" objects on themselves
BOOLPROP SNAPOBJECTSTOGRID TRUE / FALSE - Write 'False' to lay an object outside the grid (not true by floor cells)
BOOLPROP ALLOW45DEGREEANGLEOFROTATION [TRUE / FALSE] - allows you to rotate at least some object for 45 degrees (rotation using buttons)
BOOLPROP CONSTRAINFLOORELEVATION (TRUE / FALSE) - give permission to change the height of the floors
SetHighestallowedLevel [Level] - Built the most 5 floors
ChangeLotzoning [Residential | Community | Greek | DORM | Secretsociety | Hotel | ApartmentBase | Apartmentsublot | SecretWitchLot] - Changes the type of lot where you are.
Roofslopeangle (15-75) - In the construction mode sets the angle of inclination of all the roofs in the area.

DELETEALLAWNINGS - Kills all canopies on the lot
DeleteallFences - kills all fences on the lot
Deleteallhalfwalls - kills all the half-ray on the lot
DeleteAllObjects [DOORS / Windows / Stairs] - removes all windows, doors, stairs on the lot
DeleteAllWalls - removes all the walls on the lot

BOOLPROP DORMSPECIFICTOOLSDISABLED [TRUE / FALSE] - allows you to create and demolish the walls in the hostel
ApartmentBuildBuYRestrictions [ON / OFF] - allowing Buy Mode and Build Mode in apartments
BOOLPROP APTSUBLOTSPECIFICTOOLSDISABLED FALSE - provides admission to all objects outside of your apartment
BOOLPROP APTBASELOTSPECIFICTOOLSDISABLED FALSE - Dom to rebuild the walls in your apartment

Codes for Lota

BOOLPROP LOTWATER [TRUE / FALSE] - "FALSE" removes water (reservoirs) on the lot
BOOLPROP SHOWFLOORGRID [TRUE / FALSE] - "FALSE" indicates the grid without a construction or purchase mode.
BOOLPROP OBJECTSHADOWSDOWS [TRUE / FALSE] - "FALSE" removes shadows on objects
BOOLPROP GUOB [TRUE / FALSE] - "True" walls will not "cut" your sim
BOOLPROP LOCKTILES [TRUE / FALSE] - "FALSE" You can place tiles for floors outside the lot (like on the road)
BOOLPROP RESERDERSELECTEDSIMLEVEL [TRUE / FALSE] - "TRUE" When your sim is on what -the floor, the remaining floors are invisible
BOOLPROP RENDERINSIDEOBJECTONLYONSELECTSIMLEVEL [TRUE / FALSE] - "TRUE" objects occur on the floors when your sim is on it or when the floor is marked.

Codes for Neighborhood (Counties)

DELETEALCHARACTSERS - removes all sims in the city
Terraintype Desert / Temperate / Dirt / Concrete - Switches landscapes (desert / vegetation)
BOOLPROP DISPLAYNEIGHBORHOODPROPS [TRUE / FALSE] - "FALSE" removes supports, towers, mountains, towers
BOOLPROP DISPLAYNEIGHBORHOODFLORA [TRUE / FALSE] - "FALSE" removes trees, bushes and other plants
BOOLPROP DISPLAYLOTIMPOSTSERS [TRUE / FALSE] - "FALSE" removes housing (only graphically, the buildings themselves will remain in the video game as they were)
BOOLPROP LOTTERRAINLIGHTING [TRUE / FALSE] - "FALSE" removes the backlight when moving the mouse
BOOLPROP SHOWLOTPACKAGENAME [TRUE / FALSE] - Specifies the name of the dwelling file when moving the mouse through the lot
BOOLPROP CARSONRIGHT [TRUE / FALSE] - Auto moving on the left or on the right side of the way

Various cheat codes

BOOLPROP RENDEROPAQUEUI [TRUE / FALSE] - "TRUE" removes transparency on the control panel
BOOLPROP LOTTERRAINCANVAS [TRUE / FALSE] - changes the color of the grass
BOOLPROP DISPLAYLOOKATBOXES [TRUE / FALSE] - "TRUE" arise blocks on the faces of Sims and in parts when sim looks
BOOLPROP ALLOBJECTLIGHTSON [TRUE / FALSE] - "TRUE" objects are illuminated only when they are used (refrigerator, TV, etc.)
Floatprop ParticleDensity 1.000000 - the amount of magnification to grow greenish cloud on spoiled food
BOOLPROP LOTINFOADVANCEDMODE [TRUE / FALSE] - "TRUE" indicates the news of the lot. You can press the "Info" key on the type of lot.
BOOLPROP UNEVENTILESFLOORABLE [TRUE / FALSE] - "FALSE" floor tiles are not noticeable on the inclined area
Autopatch ON / OFF - enumeration of patches installed in video game
Help - List of many codes (not all)
EXIT - Closes Prefix
Expand - expands and fixes the prefix (or simply press the "~" button or x and then press ENTER)
BOOLPROP TWINSR2CUTE [TRUE / FALSE] - on theoretical level, the code is specialized for this, so that there is a twin, in practice - check ..
AddneigbortofamilyCheat [ON / OFF]: Turning on this code by clicking SHIFT + left mouse button on the NPC - you can add it to the list of your own sims.
Forcetwins - With this code, your SIM card gives birth to twins
PlumbbBobToggle ON / OFF - Inclove Rhombick over Sima's head

Codes for creating video

SlowMotion 0-8 - slows down the visibility of video games (0 - the usual supelness, 8 is the slowest).
] - change the visibility of video games, quantity = 0-8 (0 - normal ability, 8 - the slowest)
UnlockcareerRewards - open all career merits (in favorites Sim)
MaxMotives - Increases mental state, maximizes all the need (all sims located in the house, including guests)
AspirationLevel 5 - platinum mental state
ForcetWeens are twins (enter before childbirth)

Motherlode - get 50,000 simoleon.
Good mental state in Sima:
We recruit Move_Objects on, we enter the furniture menu, delete Sima, later in

Menu of life, click on his icon and it occurs in a great mood.
Of course one minus, the sim will appear with the possibilities and billets,
As before the final preservation, so you need to keep out of memory.
Home game:
The Sims 2.
Leave your comment
If you are tired of playing and earning a penny to buy certain things, you can use the codes that are given unlimited possibilities, a lot of money, endless lifestyles, as well as cheat codes for a new addition. During video game
Watch the video" lang="en" style="height: 28px;">BOOLPROP ENABLEPOSTPROCESSING [TRUE / FALSE] - Enter this code to apply all codes for video.
Bloom (RGBX) - Makes a synatographic eye, you can make a picture in some special shades "R", "G", and "B" - color scale (0-255), and "x" - number of chroma: from 0 to 255.

Vignette (CENTERX CENTERY X) - makes a synatographic view where the focus is considered clear, but everything around this is vague (Centerx CENTERY - the coordinates of the center, X - the level of blur).
Filmgrain (0-1) - makes the movie with a grainy image.
LetterBox (0-0.4) - Makes the movie specified size.
Be careful because the introduction of this cheat code
It allows you to delete and move such objects that cannot be deleted.

And it will be unrealistic to return it.MoveObjects OFF - Turn off the aforementioned function

Aging ON / OFF - On / Off. aging (change of age) sim
