The Last of Us Part II - What are the best skills to pump Ellie


Ellie's best abilities in Last of Us Part 2 and which ones to download first - read the guide. Ellie is one of the main protagonists of The Last of Us Part 2.

Ellie has access to 5 different skill trees that will help her to improve her fight with different enemies. However, there is no method in the game to maximize all the skill trees that you unlock (unlocked with tutorials - magazines) in one playthrough. In this guide, we will try to answer the question "What abilities are better to swing Ellie?" She has 5 skill trees that can be unlocked using the tutorials:

  • The first tree is "survival";
  • The second is "making";
  • The third is "secrecy";
  • Fourth - "explosives";
  • Fifth - "accuracy".

In one playthrough, you cannot upgrade all abilities to the limit. Let's talk about the following, which ones are better to learn first. To some extent, this leveling mechanic inspires you to stick to a specific playstyle and ennoble abilities that will benefit you in the best way. The abilities in each tree are unlocked in order, with any knowledge asking for the past to be unlocked. And do not forget that in Last of Us 2 there are no correct or incorrect methods for pumping characters.

Survival tree

Self-survival abilities are open to Ellie from the very beginning of the game. The best of them are:

  • Increased health (third skill) - allows you to increase your health reserve;
  • Endurance (fifth skill) - allows you to endure one enemy shot or a couple of attacks of the infected.

The remaining self-survival abilities should be improved only in this case, if it becomes difficult for you to defeat enemies. This tree of abilities is given to you from the beginning and is unrivaled for those who are just trying to stay safe and sound. If you notice that it is difficult for you to fight enemies, then improve the third knowledge in this tree - "Increased health". The fifth and extreme knowledge is Endurance. It is considered an undeniable requirement, especially when completing more difficult tasks, since it will allow you to suffer death from one clear hit.

Wood "Manufacturing"

The Crafting tree abilities allow the protagonist to make different items. We recommend that you do the best to the limit the first experience - "making edged weapons." As a result, you can repair weapons of close combat and create items for modifications. Crafting is considered a necessity throughout the game. Speed ​​and variety between combat and play usually gives you enough time to craft. We recommend sticking with the first skill in this tree, Crafting Close Range Upgrades. This knowledge will allow you to repair and ennoble the weapons of a close battle, but even such an experience from time to time can be a waste of minerals.

Stealth tree

"Stealth" has very useful abilities in the game, due to which you can make silencers, instantly move, approach opponents from the back and almost everything else. Specifically, it is worth concentrating on pumping the capabilities of this tree. They are all helpful. Killing enemies inconspicuously is the best strategy for combat in The Last of Us Part 2. Covertly moving and killing opponents from behind is often considered a great strategy throughout the game. This is a vital tree for pumping and unlocking all abilities. The presence of a five-shot silencer can become a rescue modifier, it will also simplify the gameplay, which will make collisions with the Vikings a lot easier. And don't forget, secretly killing any enemy is the best strategy for overcoming Last of Us 2.

Explosive tree

In this tree, first swing the Explosive Arrows experience. He will allow you to make detonating ammunition, which is effective in battles against groups of opponents. Detoning things is great enough, but basically your own base explosives are great in most environments. However, the first experience in this tree - "Making arrows with explosives", must be obtained without fail. Explosive arrows do amazing things against enemy groups and their main advantage is that clear firing is not inevitable.

Precision tree

The Precision tree has useful abilities for small arms. But it is better to download them closer to the final of the game. Focus on improving your self-survival and stealth abilities first. This tree is very principled, but it is better to first spend your own skill points on Survival and Stealth, because almost all abilities from the Accuracy tree have a large impact on aiming. However, to increase the accuracy of the firefight, you can separate and special modifiers for certain weapons. Once you are comfortable with your Survival and Stealth abilities, it is a good idea to grow your Accuracy tree as much as possible. The most (best) experience in this thread is Making More Arrows, but it's the very last. A lot of arrows are a lot of stealth kills.

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