Hearts of Iron 4 - William Wallis Achievement Guide


The Fast and Easy Way to Get William Wallis Achievements. Instructions and videos to make the American monarchy a reality in less than 1 hour!


This guide describes one possible reliable way to get this achievement in about 1 hour at a good Hearts of Iron 4 speed. Thanks to the historical focus, real, easy difficulty of the achievement, and really no random factors at all, it should be possible to feel pretty easy.
If there are complaints, difficulties or comments, I appreciate any feedback!

Don't forget to turn off all mods and turn on Iron Man Mode. Start in the United Kingdom with Historical AI Focuses enabled.

1. Getting started

1.Select the Change Course focus.
2. R&D (tooling and construction), land doctrine (superior firepower) and engineering
3. Use your military factories primarily on infantry equipment and other infantry needs.
4. Group your fleet to make it effective when escorting units.
5. Group your air force to easily rebuild it in the coming small wars.
6. Remove garisson templates in favor of more suitable infantry divisions.
7. Place the remaining armies on the Canadian, Irish and southern Afghan borders to your states.
8. Until the "Royal Party" focus becomes available, select "Encourage Colonial Elite" and wait for Edwards to seize power before focusing again.
9. Adhere to build civilian focuses until at least mid-1937.

2. Royal marriage

Necessary political tricks cannot be promoted until Edward becomes king.

1. A few months after the game, the "Edward VIII Banning Crisis" event will emerge.
2. Select the "Insist on Royal Marriage" option.
3. From this point on, positive and negative events will occur that affect the popularity of the party and political power in order to always move forward, "accepting the result" and avoiding options that lead to the abdication of Edward.
4. The authorities will soon become independent, so do not divide them internally.
5. With regard to research on industrial and infantry technology, research should always be directed towards the study of land doctrine.
6. Ensure the safety of your political power for the coup d'état and the following events.

3. Conquest of the empire.

In order to have a declared base and equipment to invade the United States, it is important to conquer some territory and quickly reclaim some possessions.

1. Select the focus "God save the King" and go to the next item "Appeal to the loyalists of the Empire".
2. Modernization of the economy to the level of "partial mobilization".
3. Continue upgrading or expanding your forces at the boundaries described in the Getting Started section.
4. Save at least 200 political forces.
5. When the Call to Empire Loyalists ends, immediately revolt in Canada and South Africa and refer to Consolidation of the British Isles.
6. After it quickly completed its annexation of Ireland and redeployed its units to South Africa and Canada.
7. South Africa doesn't technically need to surrender, but it levels out your armies, while the newfound country doesn't have the necessary supplies for your entire army.
8. Select "Return Gears Back to Crease" in focus.
9. After the uprisings and focus are over, unite the uprisings and help the loyalists attack from a new front.
10. Adopt better draft laws and hire military advisers on division and infantry speed statistics.
11. Since Dominions do not have many or good divisions, this should be quick and easy.
12. After Canada's surrender, there will be a small peace conference that will make it (and South Africa) your puppet, allowing you to attack the US again.

The Empire Strikes Back achievement included for free

4. Invasion of the United States

1. Continue building up with new factories and experience, especially by training several additional infantry divisions to cover the entire Canadian-American front.
2. Deploy your entire army and air force in Canada to enable rapid advance against the not yet mobilized US (ask all Dominion troops to take forward positions).
3. Go down towards "Unite Anglosphere" (should end around the end of 1938).
4. The second focus ends, declares war, and aggressively moves forward.
5. Use your fleet as a convoy escort when reinforcements or supply routes are at stake.
6. Given that the US will not be ready, it is easy to overwhelm it and be surrounded by some kind of divisions, focus on the east coast to get most of the American industry.
7. The war should be easy if there are any problems with what I recommend watching in the achievements run the video attached below.

5. Installation of the monarchy

Usually there shouldn't be any major energy sources here anymore.
If the United States has joined Australia or France, it is easy to capture them by simply invading them by sea.
(In my video, I got Australia to join, which just lengthens the time needed)

As soon as the peace conference begins, the US puppet will deal with potential other losing states, no matter what they want.
When the nation is under your control, a new decision and "Political Action" will be made called "Establish American Monarchy".
Realizing this game and liberating Scotland as a puppet will reward you with your achievements.

Additional video

If you run into any problems while viewing the guide, especially during the wars against the former colonies, I recommend watching the video of this achievement to clarify any questions:

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