Mass Effect Legendary Edition how to solve Noveria puzzles?


Find out how to solve the Noveria puzzles in Mass Effect Legendary Edition, what difficulties await you, what needs to be done to complete the goal, read our guide.

The Mass Effect Legendary Edition has tons of brainstorming missions and activities, and Mass Effect 1's Noveria puzzle is probably one of them. At peak 15, when you search for Matriarch Benezia, you'll have to solve this Memory Core puzzle in order to progress further. Although it looks very complicated, it is actually so. Yes, no need to play with words, the puzzle is really difficult, but fortunately, in the game from many years ago there are many tips on how to solve it in an easy way. Take a look below to find out exactly how.

How to Solve the Noveria Puzzles in Mass Effect Legendary Edition

We will share with you what exactly you need to look out for and what to do as you solve the puzzle, taken directly from the official wiki of the game:

  • Only one box can be transferred in any stack, regardless of whether they are adjacent or not.
  • Only the topmost box will be "taken" by pressing the corresponding face button. It will be "placed" in the same order when the other front button is pressed. This means that if the topmost box is selected, it will fall into the topmost area of ​​whatever stack it falls into. The same applies to other boxes.
  • The box cannot be carried to a place where there will be a blue box in any slot above it.
  • Once the carton has been moved to another stack, it can be moved back as many times as necessary.
  • You can only "pick up" one box at a time.

If you plan on solving the puzzle yourself, without spoilers, then the above rules are all you need to avoid confusion and do your best to complete it. If you just want not to be satisfied with what has already been achieved and want to easily and naturally go through this annoying stage, here are the movements that you need to do in order to solve it right away:

Xbox: X Y, X B, Y B, X Y, B X, B Y, X Y, X B, Y B, Y X, B X, Y B, X Y, X B, Y B
PC: 1 → 2, 1 → 3, 2 → 3, 1 → 2, 3 → 1, 3 → 2, 1 → 2, 1 → 3, 2 → 3, 2 → 1, 3 → 1, 2 → 3, 1 → 2, 1 → 3, 2 → 3
PlayStation: ▢ △, ▢ ◯, △ ◯, ▢ △, ◯ ▢, ◯ △, ▢ △, ▢ ◯, △ ◯, △ ▢, ◯ ▢, △ ◯, ▢ △, ▢ ◯, △ ◯

Depending on your platform, click on the above button sequences as shown in the picture and you are quickly done with that. Three columns will appear on the screen, so from the moment they appear, click on all the buttons in the order we indicated here, and everything will be ready. Alternatively, you can spend 100 Omni-gels to complete this task instantly, but since the amount is quite large, it is better to complete the puzzle manually. The rest of the mission is straightforward without any weird puzzles.

And that's all there is to know about how to solve Noveria's puzzles Mass Effect Legendary Edition.

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