Mass Effect Legendary Edition who should I choose Miranda or Jack?


Find out who to choose Miranda or Jack in the Mass Effect Legendary Edition, what difficulties await you, what you need to do to complete the goal, read in our guide.

In Mass Effect Legendary Edition, Miranda and Jack are characters that you will interact with a lot throughout their time on the team. In Mass Effect 2, in particular, you have to decide which of them to communicate with more after some events. There is also the possibility that one of them may die due to some other circumstances and depending on whether you chose this person for friendship, so if you want to know more about this, see below.

Whom to choose Miranda or Jack in Mass Effect Legendary Edition

Jack and Miranda have almost the same personalities: both of them are extremely capable and strong women in their own right, as well as users of biotics, but one of them is an enemy of the other, since Cerberus is involved in the case, from Miranda. If you decide to complete the "Loyalty" quest for each of them, they will end up running into each other, and you, as Shepard, will have to choose a side.

We can't go into details without spoiling some points, so I'll get to the point where you have to choose which one to trust. Let me start by saying that whichever option you choose will have a certain impact on gameplay, and many story elements will be different. Not only that, there is a third path you can take, in which both characters stay calm and you avoid taking sides. This will be the best outcome, and if your Renegade or Paragon ranks are high enough, then this is not difficult to do. The dialogue explains quite simply what you have to choose to reach this state, so don't be afraid to just click on the obvious. If you still have to choose a side, it will be a little more difficult.

If you want to take advantage of our offer, your choice must be Jack. I know everyone has a soft spot for Miranda, but if you don't take Jackie's side during this argument, you run the risk of her actually dying later. She's much more vulnerable than Miranda in later events, her reasoning is also more logical, and let's face it, Cerberus treated her like trash, so let's give her some credit.

If all this is indifferent to you, feel free to take the side of Miranda. She'll be safe around you and you won't have to worry about her being vulnerable during the final phase of the game. All in all, it's a matter of preference and the risk of not having Jackie with you anymore, since she's, well, gone. Like every other choice in this huge collection called Mass Effect Legendary Edition, your actions and consequences will follow you in the next part of the series, so keep that in mind.

And that's all there is to know about who to choose Miranda or Jack in Mass Effect Legendary Edition.

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