Gears 5 - List of trophies (achievements, achievements) how to get


"Skillful revenge", "Sergeant's shoulder straps", "Stand up, soldier!" and other trophies in Gears 5 - learn about them from the note. While playing Gears 5 on Xbox One, you can unlock 68 trophies. Further on this in more detail.

List of trophies, below are all Gears 5 trophies and how to get them:

Back Atcha - Ricochet an enemy with Jack's Barrier ability
I Was Born in a Crossfire Hurricane - Stun three enemies at the same time with Jack's Flash.
Get up, soldier! (Back on Your Feet, Soldier!) - Revive a wounded ally using Jack's Steam ability.
Shock and Awe - Hit 6 enemies at once with Jack's Electrogun.
Manna from Heaven (Pennies from Heaven) - take ammo from all the crashed Condors in the second and third acts;
Pass the Soap - go through the shower of the shelter, in which there are three destroyed beehives;
Sire, Interrupted - Kill a mule when it tries to kidnap an ally.
Skillful revenge (Perky's Revenge!) - kill the enemy "Horde" by activating three abilities;
Best Friends Forever (BFFs) - Complete Versus mode with a team of 4 allies.
I'll be your friend (You've Got a Friend in Me) - find a new ally;
So are we best friends now? (Did We Just Become Best Friends?) - Reach level 5 while playing with an ally.
Seriously 5.0 - Chapter 1 - Get the rank of general in the company on insane difficulty;
Once More From the Top - start a new term;
One, Two, Three Sorties (One, Two, Three Sorties) - complete three goals in one day in the military career;
Corporal Punishment - Achieve the rank of corporal in the military career;
Sergeant at Arms - Achieve the rank of Sergeant in the military career.
Thunderstorm-lieutenant (LOOTenant) - get the rank of lieutenant in the military career;
Now I'm the captain! (I'm The Captain Now) - get the rank of captain in the military career;
Generally Awesome - Achieve the rank of General in the military career.
My Body is Ready - get trained in the training center;
I'm not here for a timeshare (Not There to Buy a Timeshare) - launch a rocket;
And he is at your service! (And… He's All Yours) - Modify Del's new bosom friend;
Feed Them Rockets (A Mouthful of Boom) - Headshot Swarmman in the theater
It's Time We Fight Them Together - save the village of Riftworm;
Jameson Shipping Depot - Sneak into A New Hope
That Old COG Technology - open the gates of the old coalition in the Kadar Valley;
Let's Get You Some Answers - find the secret complex using the communication towers;
Acting according to the old plan (We Need the Old Plan) - kill the Matriarch;
Alive and healthy (Safe and Sound) - find satellites ONR;
At the Last Moment (Cutting it Close) - Protect the OHP rocket;
Throw a Switch, See What Happens - Build the Hammer of Dawn Rocket
Angry him more! (Let's Keep Pissin it Off!) Survive the Kraken fight.
So, we will cover each other (Then We Watch Each Other's Back) - install the last beacon in the ruins of Old Ether;
You Can't Beat Me So Easy (You Know I Ain't Going Out Like That) - Return to the wall of Old Aether;
True threat to Sera (Discovered the True Threat to Sera) - go through all the acts of the company;
A Good Plan, Violently Executed - Execute 100 Renegades
An Enemy Among Us - Get a kill each with a Hurricane Jumper, Ranger, and Hunter.
Universal Soldier (Jack of One Trade) - complete one act in the company for Jack;
Jack of All Trades - get all the unique upgrades in the company as Jack;
Seraninja Ninja - Execute three enemies using Jack's disguise.
Pumping for Jack (JACKed Up!) - improve all of Jack's abilities to the maximum;
My-my-my (Gimme, Gimme, Gimme) - get all kinds of heavy weapons;
Relic Hunter - Bring three relic weapons with you.
Relics of the Past - Kill one enemy with each Relic weapon.
Three heads is better (It Takes Three to Make a Thing Go Right) - complete one act of the company in three-player mode;
Master Escape Artist - Reach level 15 with Mack, Lani and Keegan
Who's Your Escape Main? - Reach level 15 with the Escape character, available from the start of the game;
Master of My Domain - Escape from the hive on each difficulty level;
Call the hive destroyers! (Who You Gonna Call? Hivebusters!) - Escape the hive as Mack, Lani and Keegan
Brought a Knife to a Gun Fight - Escape the hive on Expert difficulty without firing a shot.
Three Musketeers (The Three Musketeers) - Deal nine thousand points of damage while three unique skills are active;
On the Razor's Edge - Get 100 kills while in a cloud of poison.
Ordophobia (Compulsive Horder) - Reach level fifteen with Kate, JD, Del, Marcus, Fatz and Jack.
Who is our main fighter against the Horde? (Who's Your Horde Main?) - Reach level fifteen with the Horde character, available from the start of the game;
Can't Stop - Won't Stop (Can't Stop, Won't Stop) - Reflect 50 waves of Horde;
Honorary Recycler (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) - turn every weapon into energy using the forge;
Energy Vampires (Withdrawal Symptoms) Collect energy from all 4 energy taps;
And I'll be the head! (And I'll Form the Head!) - Kill a Horde boss while 5 player unique skills are active.
Your own apiary (Homegrown Hive) - escape from a hive that another player created;
With my own hands (I Made It All By Myself) - create a hive to escape;
Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship - Play Arcade Mode
Wait a second, I'll be right back! (One Sec, I'll Be Right Back) - change your character in arcade mode and kill the enemy who killed you before;
Where is my sponsorship contract? (Where's My Product Endorsement Deal?) Win five times in arcade mode.
Grind Season - win in a ranked game every week throughout the season;
My Place in the Machine - Complete games for a position in the ranked list of games;
The crazy train is leaving! (All Aboard the Crazy Train!) - complete all acts in the company on insane difficulty;
It's not trash! (It's Not Hoarding if Your Stuff is Cool) - Find all the collectibles in the company.

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