Far Cry 6 how to open weapons


Find out in this manual How to open weapons in Far Cry 6 if you are still interested in this question, then read further, we will tell you how to do it.

Far Cry 6 shows the Caribbean island, boiling revolutionary voltage. In the game, the actor Giancarlo Esposito performs the role of President Anton Castillo, a cruel leader who holds the island of Yara, who guarantees the iron grip, promising him to return to him by the former glory. With the arsenal of weapons and allies behind the back, you oppose Castillo regime and you will fight for the future of Yar. Here's how to open weapons.

How to open weapons in Far Cry 6?

Pistola Sportiva. - This pistol can be found in Western Lado in the El Maraton field. We recommend using Pistola Spotiva as an additional weapon.

La Varita. - Both weapons can be found by completing the quest "Blessings of the Triad", which requires players to go in search of treasures to assemble the relics of the triads. Players must be alert, since Panther may appear in this area.

SSGP-58. - To find this rifle, the players do not have to go far. SSGP-58 can be found in the zones controlled by the military, or buy from the partisan garrison in any guerrilla camp.

MP7. - Like other standard SMG, MP7 can be purchased in the garrison of partisans in any guerrilla camp.

Crackle and Pop. - To purchase this weapon, go to the city of Esperance. Immediately, players will notice that this city is an offside area, so you have to get to it on foot or on a vehicle. Find the Cinema El Rayo across the road and descend to the roof in search of a smuggling chest to find a weapon.

El Tirano. - It can be found in the Valle de Oro in the Escila Fort, which is the forbidden zone. Go on foot, by car or water transport to the lighthouse, use a gripping hook and pick up to the top where weapons are waiting for you.

RMS-18. - RMS-18 can be found in the zones controlled by the military, or buy from the partisan garrison in any guerrilla camp.

RAT4 Rocket Installation - Players need to go to Port del Toro in Novemtermas and perform the task "Hunt for Treasures of Liquid Courage" to unlock the starting setting.

That's all you need to know how to open weapons in Far Cry 6..

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