Layers of Fear 2: Location of movies on locations


Movie posters are one of the few collectibles in Fear Layers 2. Collecting all 14 posters will reward you with two trophies/achievements.

"Debut" which is your Achievement/Trophy when you get the first movie poster and "Body of Work" is your Achievement/Trophy that you get when you collect all the posters.

Layers of Fear 2 Movie Posters

The movie posters are well hidden and should be carefully searched. Some of them are easy to miss. That's why we've put together this Layers of Fear 2 movie poster guide for you.

Act No. 1: Unmooring the vessel
Movie Poster #1 - Remember her?
For the first movie poster, you must solve a puzzle. Enter the room where the lever is fixed on the wall of the corridor. Pull down on the lever and disc floor along with the dummy and the chair will begin to rotate.

Go to the other side of the room and press the button, which will cause the chair to fall from the ceiling. You must pull the lever until you can align the chair with the table. After you successfully do this, your way to get the movie poster will open.

Walk past the mannequin and crouch down to go through the partially open door. On the left, you'll find a movie poster stuck to the wall.

Movie Poster #2 - Double Shadows
Switch the first lever and go out the door. Go inside the bank and go inside the gate, where you need to turn on another lever. Avoid getting hit by the light and go to the door on your left.

Avoid the second light and enter the corridor. Approach the door on your right and you'll find the movie poster above the sofa on your right.

Movie Poster #3 - Twelfth Night
You must go through the door that will appear on the cinema screen. Go to the end of the corridor, where on your left you need to climb the stairs to enter a small space.

You have to crawl your way through the end and then jump out and you will find your movie poster leaning on the floor to your left.

Act #2: Hunting

Movie poster #4 - Hamlet.
You'll be in a room with a man on the bed and a TV over a tin drum. Turn on the TV and your hallway will change. Walk down the corridor until you see a light at the end of the corridor.

Before reaching the end, a door with a combination lock will appear to your right. To open the lock combination, move forward a little and enter the door on your left.

To your right will be a board that you will have to interact with and then flip the board over. Read the combination "upside down" and return to the locked door. Enter the combination, go inside the door and turn off the gas pipe. Go into the room and at the end of the hallway you will see a movie poster.

Movie Poster #5 - Night Fend
You'll be inside a hallway with a child sitting on the floor to your left. Approach the child, chat with him, and then enter the door to your right.

There will be a cut scene in the room, after which you will have to go forward and enter the restroom on your right. The movie poster will be above the bathroom sink.

Movie poster #6 - Metropolis
You will reach a room where a tower will fan the fire. It is safe to get inside the building and open the door to the right. You will see a movie poster above the bed.

Act #3: "Bloody Roots"

Movie Poster #6 - The Pirate Prince and the King of the Cyclopes.
Once you're in a room full of film spools, exit the room and head down the stairs. At the end of the stairs, turn around. Enter the room at the back of the stairs and you will see a movie poster on the wall.

Movie Poster #7 - Wonderful Journey
After finishing the puzzle where you need to keep all the mannequin heads on the table, turn around and you will see a chest. You have to pull on the chest two times before it opens and reveals the movie poster.

Poster of the film №8 "The Tempest".
Standing above the cinema, you have to walk to the end of the vent on the right side and you will see a movie poster leaning against the wall.

Act #4: Breathe

Film poster №9 - The trial of the martyr.
You will see a pillar in the kitchen area. Stand behind the pillar and move from right to left looking at the wall and a door will appear. Go inside and there will be another pillar. Use the same method and go inside the door that appears.

There are several shelves inside their will. Move between the two shelves and you will find your movie poster.

Movie Poster #10 - Shizo
Turn around from the mannequin room and enter the white hallway. Climb down until you reach the end and you'll see a movie poster pinned to the wall to your right.

Movie poster #11 - King Lear.
Inside a room with two sofas and a mannequin standing between them, look to the right of it and you'll see a movie poster hidden between two curtains.

Law #5: Forever

Movie Poster #12
In the elevator area, look to your right and you will see a movie poster on the wall. This poster will be an untitled poster.

Movie Poster #13
In the area where the mannequin shoots money with a gun, go to him. As you approach it, you will see a gate on your right. Open it and you will find a poster to your left. Again, the movie poster will be untitled.

Cinema Poster #14
Go to the room where there will be floating lemons. Keep going straight, and when you almost reach the end, look to the left. On the wall you will find your latest untitled movie poster.

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