Mass Effect Legendary Edition how to save Mordin Solus?


Find out how to save Mordin Solus in Mass Effect Legendary Edition, what difficulties await you, what you need to do to complete the goal, read in our guide.

Mordin Solus may not be one of the original team members in Mass Effect Legendary Edition, but that doesn't make him any less significant to the story. Mordin is involved in some of the important events that take place throughout Shepard's journey, which begin off-screen in Mass Effect 1. The salarian scientist first appears in the middle of Mass Effect 2 and stays around until Mass Effect 3, where things start to get really bad, to the point where Mordin faces certain death. It is in your hands to manage Mordin and save him, but this requires a lot of effort. Below we will cover everything you need to know, but beware, as the text will contain major spoilers about the plot and events of Mass Effect.

How to save Mordin Solus in Mass Effect Legendary Edition

To have a chance to save Mordin Solus, you must know that you need to complete the "Renegade" quest. This includes a very, very difficult choice at the beginning of your journey, where you will have to choose to kill the Wrex instead of saving him. If Wrex is dead, then it will be much easier for Mordin to stay alive in the end, so it is recommended to do just that. If you want to save both Wrex and Mordin, it's impossible and will result in both of them dying during the events of Mass Effect 3.

With that said, the next big decision you'll have to make is during the Mordin's Loyalty mission. It is also required for the process, so don't skip it. When you are almost done with the mission, you will have to make a choice between Mordin and his apprentice, or rather former apprentice, Maelon. Maelon's data on the genophage will be the main topic, and you will have to make a choice in favor of destroying it if you want our scientist from the team to live. This will also lead to the inevitable death of Eva, which will trigger the action sequence needed for the next episode.

With that said, we move on to Mass Effect 3 and Priority: Tuchanka where everything will unfold. Before the mission even starts, Dalatrass will contact you and ask you to sabotage the genophage cure mission, and as a reward, the salarian army will join Shepard's fight at the end of Mass Effect 3.

Followed by an ultimatum. Do not mention this plan of sabotage to any member of the team, either before or during the mission. Since you will be acting as a Renegade, you will have to accept the offer and end up allowing a genophage plague to unleash for which there is no cure. Near the end of the mission, Eva will be dead, and Mordin will offer you to go to the tower yourself to summon the cure. However, this will result in Mordin's death if he does, so if your renegade rank is high enough, you should be able to convince Solus to back off and not go to the tower. This is indeed a very difficult choice, as it will lead to the extinction of an entire race. However, Mordin Solus will remain alive until the end of your Mass Effect Legendary Edition playthrough, so if that is your goal, then all of the above is the only way to achieve it.

And that's all there is to know about how to save Mordin Solus in Mass Effect Legendary Edition.

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