Overview Truckers: Road to Victory - Earn $10.000.000


In fact, it is devoid of any content. Only one goal - to earn extra 10 million dollars. To do this is not at all easy - at the beginning the player receives an old ZIL car and 30 thousand bucks. To go through the entire route and earn a suitable amount with such an insignificant starting capital is a difficult task. The main part of the game the player simply transports goods. But everything is much more difficult than it might seem at first glance at first glance. You need to be able to count quickly.

Since every time, having arrived at the base, the driver, without the help of others, chooses what kind of cargo he will carry. It can be textiles, electronics, medicines, drinks, toys, nails, light bulbs, glass, and just about anything else. Any product has specific features: size, weight, cost, fragility. From all this depends not only the amount of cargo that will fit in a truck, but also the difficulty of delivery. The more fragile a product is considered to be, the more likely it is to be broken in case of careless turning or collision. However, a fragile product is traditionally paid more generously. Remember - the delivered product must not only recoup all costs when making a purchase, but also deliver the highest profit.

Having earned enough funds, the gamer can change the car. Any of the 9 existing cars has unique features: cost, power, van size, rpm, torque, weight, load capacity and others. It is necessary to approach making a purchase with all seriousness - without fail, master all the features in order to choose a more suitable car. From time to time, there is a plan to overpay a certain number of thousand in order to get a much more powerful and capacious car.

Game page: Truckers: The Road to Victory.

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