Mass Effect Legendary Edition how to romance Ashley?


Find out how to romance Ashley in Mass Effect Legendary Edition, what difficulties await you, what you need to do to complete the goal, read in our guide.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition is a new edition of the classic trilogy of Mass Effect games, giving players the chance to relive them or try them for the first time. One of the most important aspects of these games was the relationships that could be established with other characters. The first Mass Effect featured only three characters, with each version of Shepard only having two choices. One of the exclusive male Shepard options is Ashley Williams, and this guide will show you how to make the right decisions to romance her in Mass Effect Legendary Edition.

How to Romance Ashley in Mass Effect Legendary Edition

In this guide, we'll only cover how to romance Ashley in the first Mass Effect, rather than discussing Mass Effect 3, where she becomes a party member again. In general, you should choose your options for talking to a paragon when it comes to the character you're trying to romance, in this case Ashley.

As the male Shepard, the first major moment comes after the incident with the Prothean lighthouse on Eden Prime. When you wake up, Ashley will be next to you. You want to choose options that are friendly to her and don't make her feel guilty about what happened.

The next opportunity will appear after completing the first task on Therum, Noveria or Feros. After this task, you will be able to talk to Ashley about the previous task, and then you will start to get closer. This is something you will want to keep doing after each successive world.

Eventually Liara will ask you if you are attracted to her, to which you must answer no. This will help avoid problems with Ashley as she will end up being your only love interest in the first game. If you choose "yes" and try to form a relationship with both, it may backfire, as they will run into you again a little later, after completing the next task. If you choose Ashley, everything will be fine. If you choose both, you still have a chance with Liara, but you completely forfeit your chances with Ashley for the rest of the game, so definitely don't do it.

Another important moment comes later in the game, when you are asked to rescue either Ashley or Kaidan. You must choose Ashley, otherwise she will no longer be near you. In addition, it is not about which team to give her, but about the salvation itself.

The next moment will come after the completion of the four main worlds of the game and immediately after Shepard has a fight in the Citadel. This is where Ashley will be comforting him, so keep choosing Paragon options and you will essentially do anything to be able to build a relationship with Ashley.

If you didn't mess it up in the previous moment by selecting the Renegade options, Ashley will visit your private quarters on her way to Ilos. This can end up in one of two ways depending on your answers. If you answer Paragon, you will complete the deal with a romantic cutscene and earn the Paramour I Achievement achievement. If you choose the Renegade option, Ashley will leave the room, but you will still be in a relationship that will continue, which will also unlock the Paramour I achievement.

And that's all there is to know about how to romance Ashley in Mass Effect Legendary Edition.

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