Microsoft Flight Simulator Review - Realistic Graphics


The first aircraft simulator of the Flight Simulator series originated back in 1982. In that year, by the way, Dynamo Minsk became the favorite of the USSR in football.

And the creator of these lines was heartbreakingly rooting for them at home fights on the children's podium of the capital's stadium (the ticket cost 10 kopecks). A year later, Yuri Antonov writes his own imperishable hit "The long-awaited plane". And in 1984, Flight Simulator 2.0 appeared, and away we go…

The first time I tried my hand at the virtual wheel of the series on the PC in 1997. A disk with Flight Simulator 98 fell into my hands. I even prepared an insignificant review for Computer Newspaper. But in those years there were a lot of interesting games. In addition, the sandboxes did not take advantage of the huge enthusiasm from the users.

And here came the year 2001, on September 11, the twin towers ... In the process of investigating the attacks, it suddenly turned out that the antagonists, apart from the rest, used the then-new Flight Simulator 2000 series simulator to prepare and implement criminal intent. Already at that time, the graphics in the game looked so believable, and the cities and landscapes were so painstakingly drawn that the offenders were able to specifically work out the traffic routes for aircraft and implement the villainous plan.

Enthusiasm for the Flight Simulator series skyrocketed, yet anyone who played it could replicate the catastrophic flight in New York that ended many innocent people. The series had reviewers. A lot of negativity hit the founders. They even insisted to reconsider the aspect to the realism of the simulator. However, the series has evolved. In 2012, the all-powerful Microsoft company took it under the roof. And Flight Simulator has found a new breath.

Bes in the details

In the current quarter, in the background of the epidemic and crisis in the tourism industry, Microsoft released Flight Simulator 2020 just in time. Although the game has many flaws, it is not optimized, however, it came to the yard. People are currently curtailed in movement and wandering. And with the help of Flight Simulator 2020, you can not only fly to the dacha, but also drive to the Red Sea coast and walk along the coastline on a low-level flight. What about Egypt! You can also fly around the world! To see the world not only on Google maps, but also from the cockpit of an individual aircraft. Fly around your own house, after all. Climb above the clouds. Recall those indelible feelings of flying at an altitude of approximately 10,000 meters above sea level. You can fly to the habitats of elephants, giraffes and kangaroos. The world is at your feet!

Adherents of the drive have the opportunity to fly in a thunderstorm and with a strong side wind, in fog or at night, sorting out the devices. And you can just load the real weather traffic from the Internet in real time. In accordance with this, your data transfer speed and Internet access will also depend on the feel of the Flight Simulator 2020 game. It took me a very long time to load the game. Naturally, this is a minus. It's like arriving early at the airport and checking in for a route in real life. I handed over my luggage - and you wander around the shops of the airport terminal, while away the time before disembarking on the liner. During the loading of data, you can watch one or even two or three parts of the series, have dinner (in a virtual flight, by the way, they don’t feed you) or do something useful around the house.

The game is also demanding on hardware, and the stated low requirements, to put it mildly, do not stand up to reviewers. If you want to see a smooth flow of drawings, and not a slide show, to feel the soft and sensitive control of the liner, then be guided by the recommended requirements and higher. In addition, look for additions to the game. They come out often and correct errors, and make the game process more convenient and make better detail.

The powerful side of the simulator is the graphics and drawing of objects. But again I emphasize: in the presence of a very good Internet network. The game has a sufficient selection of aircraft. But the founders assure to continuously add more and more new models. Of course, they will need to be purchased at will for real money. According to the creators, more than 37 thousand airports are already shown in the game (I saw Minsk-1, Minsk-2, Lipki). But there will be new ones. And they will also need to be taken for a monetary unit.

Also lucky to repeat the virtual location of the world - think about it! - 1.5 billion buildings, 2 trillion trees, mountains, paths, rivers, cars, animals and other items. At the same time, fauna and auto employees are not static. They are in motion, but from the outside it looks charming at times, and at times fun.

For this reason, if you want to demonstrate the Eiffel Tower, Gibraltar, the Egyptian pyramids, Chomolungma, the Pacific Ocean archipelago during the global epidemic and paralysis of the tourism industry in the middle of winter, then Flight Simulator 2020 will help you.

The view from the cockpit is excellently detailed, at the highest level. Plausibly recreated the placement of all control systems. And all the levers, switches and keys can be actuated, making your flight truly unique.

At the beginning of the game, he expects to take a course of classes and fix his abilities in training flights and performing separate types of flying. Having honed your skills, you can set off on a free flight. First - on light-engine aircraft, and then you can transfer to a wide-body Boeing. And the easiest level of difficulty, and the autopilot to help you.

Having acclimatized with a video game, you can also increase the difficulty by turning off the "helpers" step by step. Feelings of control of the liner, even with the introduction of an ordinary keyboard, is amazing. Naturally, they cannot be compared with those on the IL-2: Sturmovik simulator. But that game has other goals and objectives, and here you control civilian courts. And Flight Simulator, in my opinion, is closer to the arcade style of control. But I must admit that at the highest level of difficulty, flights in Flight Simulator have not yet overcome it.

A couple of years ago, an action-packed movie was released on the screen, where a player in Flight Simulator, finding himself a passenger of a real aircraft, rescues hundreds of fellow travelers and the main movie character from inevitable death when a terrorist destroys two pilots. Continuing pilots and weightless aces, having familiarized themselves with Flight Simulator 2020, say that at a theoretical level this is possible. Since the simulator provides the player with the necessary knowledge of the control of the aircraft, the sequence of operations during takeoff and landing, including the basics of piloting.

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