Borderlands 3 - Troubleshooting and Troubleshooting


Troubleshooting guide, slows down, freezes, crashes: troubleshooting guide. Borderlands 3, after a long breakup, brought back a wonderful loot shooter, but some gamers are on PC.

They stumble with constant unnerving problems. If you are also experiencing low framerates, constant stuttering, a white screen in the Epic Games Store launcher, or any other crashes and errors on PC, we will help you with the best solutions found by the Internet. Almost all of these fixes are short-term solutions to long-term problems. If we're lucky, we'll see patches in the future that will alleviate these difficulties and smooth out the memories of some gamers.

Performance improvements on set-top boxes and PCs

A common and quick method to improve performance all at once, even on the console, is to turn off social messaging and set Group Privacy to Local Only. Instant FPS boost on PC and PS4 is now proven.

FPS drop with clear aiming

If your frame rate is great, but it crashes when aiming hard, try this awesome solution from Reddit player u/hemekoko. In the graphic image options, set the "Overall Quality" to "very low", then you can randomly change the individual options. Similarly, you can try setting the "Texture Streaming" parameter to "very low". Obviously, the "Overall Quality" setting somehow secretly has a big impact on your own graphics options, and setting it to "very low" might help some gamers. Then you can increase all the remaining options back.

Persistently low frame rate and stuttering

If you are constantly experiencing freezes and lags even when playing solo or without other gamers, try turning off the Internet connection for Borderlands 3. It will be unrealistic to play on the Internet, but this will solve the problem for a while. To prevent Borderlands 3 from connecting to servers on the Internet, you can use Windows Defender. It is necessary to block incoming and outgoing connections for 2 EXE files:


When blocking the connection, some gamers have reported improved performance and a halt to constant frame rate drops.

Frame rate increase in DX12

If your graphics card supports DX12, it can greatly improve performance. The appropriate setting can be changed in the graphics options menu. After restarting the DX12, the boot time will increase - instead of an almost instant start, it will be necessary to wait 3-5 minutes. But don't worry, wait for the download. Between the zones everything will be faster, only one long download - the initial one.

Launch white screen from EPIC Games Store launcher

The appearance of a snow-white screen in the EGS Launcher is obviously a fairly common problem for everyone who uses this launcher, not only for gamers in Borderlands 3. If you meet head-on with problems in the EGS program, you can eliminate them in the following way. To solve this difficulty, you need to look into the AppData folder. If you do not see it, you must enable the image of secret folders in Windows (Explorer - View - Hidden items). Go to C:Users[Username]AppDataLocalEpicGamesLauncherSavedwebcache folder and simply delete all files in it. Don't delete the folder itself, just the files and folders inside. After cleaning, you no longer have to face the problem of a snow-white screen. Hopefully you won't need to refer to this guide often, but if you run into any other issues, keep it in mind - we'll try to update it frequently with final tips, fixes, and troubleshooting solutions.

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