Machinarium (Machinarium) - Text walkthrough 100%


Machinarium is an award-winning independent adventure game developed by game creators Samorost and Botanicula. Help Josef the robot rescue his friend Bertha, who has been kidnapped by bandits from the Brotherhood of Black Hats.

Help Josef the robot rescue his friend Bertha, who has been kidnapped by bandits from the Brotherhood of Black Hats. Now with full screen mode, achievements, new languages ​​and full controller support.


Scene 1

You are a small robot that was shamelessly thrown out of a garbage truck, while you lose several limbs and your head is not quite in place ...
We use the bath, a part of your body falls out from under it. Click on the body, with a crash it falls to the ground near the head.
We click on the head, tyts it is in place ..

(You can only interact with objects and perform certain actions within the reach of the robot)
A “clown” doll is lying above the robot, to get it we point at the robot, an arrow appears, pull it up, click on the doll. + doll
Something is missing!

We poke at the rat when it comes closer, a dialogue takes place ... we understand what the rat wants and give it to her - a doll.
Next to the magnet, tyts on it + magnet
Next Spool of thread, tyts + thread
In the inventory we connect the magnet and the thread.
We approach the bent pipe tyts on it

We take out the recently riveted device from the inventory and use it on the pipe, raise our hand from the lake, attach it to its place and find ourselves on the other side of the puddle. - magnet, rope.
We go to the right, we admire the landscapes ...

Scene 2

Next, we observe how the tin with a light bulb passes the place of the brain. If you hang around a little on the spot, you can view the pleasant memories of the corrugated and his girlfriend ...
We stomp to the striped cones, tyts and 1 in your pocket, keep poking until a bucket of paint appears.
You have a bucket. + a bucket of blue paint.

We approach a large tub with white paint, dip a cone from inventory into it ... Next, pour a bucket with blue paint into this tub and dip the already white cone into bluish paint ...
We approach the pillar, climb to the top to the limit ... Next, draw out the lowest pin and use it higher, so we rise to the very limit, there we draw out the body and take out the light bulb.
Having successfully landed, we attach the light bulb to our colored cone and dress it.

We approach the hanging handle, pull it, and go through the abyss, but bad luck clumsy corrugated robot does not notice the oil underfoot and falls into the abyss...

Scene 3

Having landed on a soft spot, we study the situation, We go to the barrel from afar resembling Chinese fireworks, squeeze the sufferer's body to the floor and reach out with the handle to the control panel under the barrel.
There are two round switches on the remote control, on the left we set "2" on the right "A". Climbing up the ladder again
Next, we climb the stairs and raise the hook, use it on the nearest end of the railing.
Having stretched to the limit, we take out the pipe that hangs over you and, like an army, we get to the gilded piece of iron.
We install this piece of iron on the railway, on the second rail from the robot.
Standing in the same place, we pull the railing, really, we didn’t do it in vain
We remove the wheels from the cart and install them on the rails. We pull the railing and let's go.

Scene 4

Here we meet the first offender, he steals ore and hides. A red button flashes nearby, click on it.
We take a strange-looking key on the right side of the room.
We approach the remote control that opened after pressing the button.
We set the levers like this: the first is at the bottom, the second at the top, the third at the bottom. And we quickly run to the cart to get into it, when the bucket lifts the traveler's grief, he wants to continue his journey according to the schedule you set, at this time you must jump onto the shelf which

We use the key from the inventory on the box next to you.
We open and see a bunch of wires, there you need the bucket to move in a different direction, which means we change only the blue contacts.
We return to the console and without changing our settings we start the bucket, and again we rush to the cart.
When the bucket rushes past the pipe, which is on the upper right with an arrow, we jump there.

scene 5

Here we meet two more bad guys who forge some kind of bomb. And we end up in a dungeon.
The robot gets into a prison where the goner robot is already languishing, after talking with him we find out that he would not mind smoking.
We go to the right, remove the algae strands, also remove the faucet handle, then go to the push and tear off the toilet paper along the perforation, (you can sit down on the push, but the robot didn’t eat anything in the morning)
From the inventory we take out the algae and after stretching the body we dry them on the lamp that is above the push.
In the inventory, with a quick movement of the hands, we twist the cigarette and provide it to the goner cellmate.
We get his hand from him, go to the right part of the room and squat near the hole at the base of the wall.
We apply the recently torn off hand on ourselves and extend the incredibly raking claw into the right hole of the neighboring chamber, while scaring the neighbors on the right.
Having reached the third cell, we grab the locker, and shake it with all our might, grab the mop and pull it back, give our hand to the goner, well, it’s right, it’s the right hand, but there are no women in the jail
We connect the mop with the previously unscrewed faucet handle, we get an impromptu key, with which we open the hatch that is on the floor.
We jump down, we go to the right we open the hatch of neighbors. It’s already so crowded there that we go to the left all the way, and open the hatch there, the mouse infection steals your key, but don’t care, you meet another one of your offenders.

Scene 6

Once under the table and not being able to get out unnoticed, you have to go for tricks.
While the offender starts aiming, we make money on the leg of his chair, the offender is on the shoulder blades, but it’s not the time to rejoice, we grab the shot from the table that lies in the plate, rising the offender finds that the shot is over, he goes to the wall to dig out another bullet in when he is against the wall, we reach out to his key and quietly remove it from the belt and throw the extracted fraction directly under the switch with two red lights. Next, we rise from the sewers and use the key on the left hole of the switch.

Thus, you free your recent neighbors, noticing the escape, the offender rushes after them, falls into a trap prepared by you in advance, this gives time for two prisoners to escape, having recovered from grief, the guard starts chasing the prisoners.

We get out of the sewers, and we go to the left, and what do you think? You fall into your own trap, apparently the memory for such things is immediately formatted ...
We enter the chamber in the middle, remove the plunger from the ceiling ...

We go to the left, use the remote control, dial the time 4:45. We press the red button and go into the room. Having sorted out an easy puzzle, we get a semblance of a weapon from the safe, connect it with a vantus, and we get a thunderstorm of toilet bowls!
We return to the right room. We go up the stairs and go through the doors. (here you can knock on the barrel on the right, accurately throw a can of engine oil, but this is useless and we move on) We climb the stairs and look through the telescope, there we see how our offenders set a bomb on the highest building, corrugated in a panic.
We go left to the switch with which you can find out the code on the door with the safe 4:45 (but since we have already done this, we can admire how cunningly the developers hid the hint)
We go outside...

Scene 7

You are on the street, to your right are two vertically installed tanks, go around them to the right, and push to the left until we push the tanks onto the stage with a young lady with a whistle.
We rise to the lady and clearly understand that we cannot pass under the stream of water; we ask the young lady for an umbrella and we clearly understand what is required of us, we approach the console and solve the puzzle, raise one tank, and push the second back where it stood.On the right side, we climb onto the tank, reach the ladder and enter the oil buoy control panel. We find the right angle and direct the buoy to the opposite shore, press the button with a drop and the buoy irrigates the earth with sweet oil, which attracts the dog. We get down and shoot at the dog with our thunderstorm of toilets. Having tightened the dog and ruthlessly gobbled it up, we return to the young lady. We return her iron chihuahua to her, in return we get an umbrella. We use an umbrella on a stream of water, we pass further. Having lost an umbrella, we climb the stairs ...

scene 8

Having risen, we see 3 mountain musicians who also got from bad robots, what should be done to help street talents in trouble.
We go to the bar, (we can try to pull off the barrel and get some soup, or order heady oil and get refused, not only are we not 21 yet, we don’t have money) we go to the right door and look in the window, our enemies are having fun there. We remove the adhesive tape hanging above us (tape for flies). We sit down at the table and try to beat the habitue of this hole in a simple game. Having won the loser, we collect buttons from the Saxon and exit the bar. At the garbage heap on the right, we catch flies on a sticky tape. We return the buttons obtained in a fair game and return them to their owner. We return to the bar. Like a messiah, we send a flock of hungry flies to the bartender, and while they mercilessly torment the bartender, we quietly pull out a tank of oil and give it to the drummer. From the top floor, the evil mademoiselle throws pots, after the pot there remains an unfortunate plant that does not fit into the world of iron and rust at all. We pick it up and lie down in a secluded place. We go to the stairs, we rise to the next tier.

Scene 9

We rise to the place where the semblance of a fountain is located.
We speak with granny and she carries some kind of heresy about the sign of infinity over our city. We go down in front of the fountain, a handle sticks out there, we squeeze it and pick it up. (you can also break a couple of light bulbs there, oh mischievous one). We approach the disabled person, he talks about the terrible pain from rust and asks to bring him healing oil.
We go to the big door which is under the hefty clock. In the hole to the right of the door we insert a recently prihvatizirovanny handle. We rotate the knob so that the black arrow in the center points to the squiggle that is opposite 9 o'clock, and the red one to show 6 o'clock. Then the robot that reads the newspaper on the top right, is clearly a Jew, because you can see the sidelocks and the star of David is above the door, descends and goes to the temple (I did not find a connection), but we are on our way to the abode of this pious robot and, in the style of Robinhood, we remove the loudspeaker that hangs outside the window . We famously go down the steps, go to the left there are another steps leading up.

Scene 10

We see a robot-forester-welder-electrician, imbued with a desire to climb on it. (we stretch our hands to the kitty, but this kitty is terribly shy) natural interest makes us unplug the cord from the outlet, the robot, etc., etc., noticing the loss of voltage, starts spinning, throwing the grief of the assistant off itself and plugs the plug into the outlet. At this time, we want to help the robot and we pull on the red wire, which makes it even more difficult for the “universal robot” robot. Our interest leads us to the base of the pillar where the lightning bolt is drawn. Open the door and start solving the puzzle. Clumsy robo-hands drop one piece of the puzzle, the bird wastes no time grabbing the little thing we need so much. We notice that the bird repeats almost everything that we do, lure it to the wire, loosen the bird on the wire by lengthening and contracting the corrugated torso of the baby robot. The bird, losing the wire under its paws, hits the pavement with all its foolishness and drops a piece of the puzzle, we wind the broken wire to the railing of the bridge. We grab a piece of the puzzle and insert it back. We solve the puzzle, so the current is turned on. We climb the ladder-robot which (th) now stands on the right and pulls the cat by the tail. Stupid animal gets on the railing of the bridge under voltage and sausages, we cut down the voltage, in the same base of the pillar, we just destroy the puzzle. We select a crazy cat. And we go down to the very bottom, where three gifted but unclaimed musicians hang out. We launch the cat into the musical pipe in which the mouse hangs out. And the music went on. "Grateful" listeners drop us a mafon, which we successfully connect with a loudspeaker. We go to the left door. And again we see that malicious dripping oil! But now we need it. We put the oiler in a puddle of oil and ball oil accumulates for us, we go to the disabled person.
Having lubricated his compasses, he releases the hatch into which we, with our characteristic interest, we climb.

We press on the red key, a barely noticeable hook hangs among the pipes, we also pick it up. We go to the right to the bedside table, open it, read the book, leaf through to the end. +2nd key. We go down the stairs to the empty pool, then go left to the drain, click on the drain and use the hook from the inventory to get the third key. We rise, click on the robot "Key", after which an interesting one comes to our mind. At this time, the robot tells us about his loss. And we clearly understand that the key is a music lover with us. We give him our self-made mafonchik (we point the mafonchik at the socket above the nightstand), which is why the key comes into a fun movement. Once again we ask him to render us a service. We unscrew the cork and fill in the villains that sat down in the room below. (if you poke a little, our hero will start dancing to the beat of the music). And so we have 3 keys, and we need to shut off the water that enters the tank. We use 3 keys on the pipe system and shut off the water.
Climb up and jump into the empty fountain. There we open the hatch and crawl into the pipe.

Scene 11

Having jumped from the pipe, we find ourselves on the elevator, there is nothing left but to press the red button on the wall.
Approaching the window, we see our girlfriend there, who is forcibly forced to cook by the same villains. Now controlling a girlfriend, we open a sideboard on the wall. We get corn out of there. Remove the pot from the stove and place it on the floor. We put corn on the stove, which makes good popcorn. Our lavilas almost gets a huge hook on the head. We take a hook and pass it to a friend.
The girlfriend climbs onto the pan, and with a hook opens the icy cooler at the top, no matter what. From the same cooler with the same hook we pull out the icy hose. We put the pan in place, put the hose in the pan to melt. We attach the hose to the oil supply mechanism, which is on the left in the room. A friend passes a hose through the window, we fill our elevator, we pull the red handle - we start the elevator. We go to the switch on the right on the elevator. We solve the puzzle. Let's go up.

We pull out of a sweet dream, a sleeping fan. We solve his riddles, BUT not correctly ... because of which he is angry and his motor and all the insides fly out with a bounce. We enter the resulting hole.


Scene 12

We take out 2 boxes with negatives from the table. On the right is the remote control, we solve 6 puzzles. We plant our plant from inventory in an empty pot. We move the growth accelerator to our pot. On the remote control, press the button (left). We shake out the seeds from our sunflower. We move the growth accelerator to a plant with dangerous fruits. At the same time we take an orange stick that is at the base of this plant. Let's turn on the accelerator. We climb the stairs, insert the wand into the mouth of the dangerous fruit and remove the magnifying glass (magnifying glass) from the mouth. We install this magnifier in the projector, we also install the first box in the projector. We press on the remote control and look for a butterfly with red dots on its wings, this is our code to the doors. Both photo boxes can be put back on the table. We go to the door and type in a combination of red dots exactly with the butterfly pattern from the projector.

Scene 13

Big and small inside
We fall asleep seeds in the machine on the right. We get down and put the oiler under the drain. We rise and frantically pull the lever in order to get valuable sunflower oil. We take the oiler.
I'm going to work. His pet or child xs what it is, in general, batteries are needed. We go down the pipe. I'm going to the disabled.A grateful disabled person gives us a ticket to the game room, we raise the bandage that the disabled person has removed from his leg. We go to where they took the cat.

We go across the bridge to the left and stick the ticket into the slot, the door is open. We sit down on the likeness of a bicycle, and pedal furiously gaining energy for the robots of the first machine, go down, go to the lever on the left, move to position 2, pedal again (the 3rd machine will break) play machines, solve puzzles, get coins.
We go where the invalid is. We go to the machine, with a drawn battery, buy 2 batteries and tie them with a strip of fabric that was left to us from a satisfied disabled person. And again into the fountain, we go to the elevator, we fill the elevator again, and then to the robot that is worn with a small pink robot.
Having given the batteries, the happy robot gives way. Click on the elevator call button.


Scene 14

We approach the flowerpot. We take a pinch of earth. We grab a vacuum cleaner, a light bulb falls out of it. We insert the light bulb into the upper right hole. We create a combination of lines to get to the floor "11", the combination can be peeped if you stretch out the torso and look behind the sheet.


Scene 15

We go to the left to the lever. We pull it down until the vacuum cleaner is in another room. We go for a vacuum cleaner. We look into the push and find the bomb. We climb the vacuum cleaner, we reach the scissors. We return to the lever and pull the vacuum cleaner so that it stops under the chandelier. We cut down the electricity, the switch is on the right near the entrance to the toilet. We cut the chandelier. We turn on the electricity. We pull the vacuum cleaner back to the toilet. We cling the chandelier to the vacuum cleaner, then we cling the chandelier to the push, we go to the lever. Lever up, the vacuum cleaner burned out. I'm going to the toilet. We approach the resulting hole, click on the toilet paper (I suspect that it is rubber). Reaching for the bomb. At the bottom, arrange the letters in the correct order (DBEAC).
We rise, go to the stairs and up again.


Scene 16

Having touched the big-headed one, we learn the whole story of the popadalov ... We go to the left to the locker with the red button. We solve puzzles. We grab the cord and connect with the big-headed one. It turns out that he has 33 bad viruses in his head and will have to destroy them, look for the key, open the fluff, bring down the devils ... After we share the problem, the tadpole tells you how to solve it and gives 1 light bulb.
We go down to the elevator. We go into the elevator. We turn on the light bulb. We make a combination as on the wall "-1".


Scene 17

We go to the hammer, break the glass, take the key, go to the elevator, open the door on the left with the key. We take nitrogen in a jar. We return to the basement, spray nitrogen on the castle. We break the castle with a hammer. Thus, draining all the villains somewhere into the toilet.

We return to the headman. We go to the roof. The girlfriend stays near the steps, the corrugated lover goes to the left to the music box. We play a musical combination on the keys, the order of playing the keys is 1423523. Steps appear, the girlfriend turns the star, which fixes the steps.
The robot kid lets his girlfriend go forward like a true gentleman in order to peep the microcircuits under her glands. Here is the end of the story.

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