Red Dead Redemption 2 - How to get an excellent skin?


Guide Red Dead Redemption 2 how to get an excellent skin, Arthur Morgan and other henchmen of Dutch van der Linde are forced to go on the run.

Their gang will take part in thefts, robberies and shootings in the heart of America. Federal agents and the best bounty hunters in the country are on their heels, and this guide will help you get there.

Red Dead Redemption 2 how to get a superior skin?

It's pretty simple, the only way to get a superior pelt is to kill a three-star animal with a clean shot to a vital or critical organ. Once you've disposed of your prey, don't forget to skin and take the carcass to your local trapper for extra money and crafting opportunities.

And that's all you need to know about how to get an excellent skin in Red Dead Redemption 2. If you have something to add, feel free to leave a comment below.

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