Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days how to fix crashes and freezes


Find out in this guide how to fix crashes and freezes in Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days, if you are still interested in this issue, then read on, we will tell you how to do it.

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days is a raw and violent crime shooter where players will experience an even more intense storyline as they follow two of the game's most notorious criminals into a macabre Shanghai underworld.

How to fix crashes and freezes in Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days?

Windows 10 seems to have more support for this game compared to Windows 8.

If you are still having issues when trying to get the game to work, please consider the fixes below.

The way to fix the launch issue when entering the game menu is to first launch the game, and then turn off the internet connection to Steam while the game is playing through the introductory part.

After that, as soon as you get to the main menu of the game, it should start a single player game, after which you can enable the connection to Steam for achievements, etc.

You can also enable the so-called legacy components feature. as below

Community Suggested Methods

  • Alternatively, simply create a firewall rule to deny Kane and Lynch 2 outgoing communications.
  • Compatibility with windows xp sp1 and run as administrator
  • Also make sure all Windows Updates are installed.
  • Another solution is to disable fullscreen effects in the options.

That's all you need to know about how to fix crashes and freezes in Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days.

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