Sailwind - How to sail to the oasis from Golden Rock City


In this guide, we will show you in a clear way what you need to do if your route is directed to the Golden Rock Oasis - the city and what points should be taken into account when completing this task in Sailwind?

How to get to the Oasis in Golden Rock City in Sailwind?

Key points + action tips:

Step 1:

Leave Golden Rock City and continue sailing north until Golden Rock City remains south and slightly east as picture 2 and as small as in picture 2.

Please note that if you are at the correct distance based on camera tilt, Golden Rock City should disappear from your field of view, as in figure 1.

But you can still see it by tilting the camera, as in figure 2.

One more thing: due to wind (or imperfect steering while sleeping), if you can't go straight north, counteract your ships moving in the opposite direction to try and get to image 2.

Step 2:

When Golden Rock City is this small and spawns at this location (south and slightly east of you, as shown in figure 2) only then, start looking in the opposite direction (north).

If you are not on top of the Oasis, you will not be able to see the Oasis.

Look at images 3 and 4 and figure out how much camera tilt you need (when viewing the ship from the outside) and do the same so you can actually see it (not from above). make it more clear to you, check out the pictures below ⇓

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