How to romance Thane Krios in Mass Effect 2


Thane has one of the most tragic stories and romances in the Mass Effect trilogy. A female Shepard can romance him in Mass Effect 2.

As a deeply spiritual killer battling a debilitating and terminal illness, Thane has one of the most tragic, heartfelt stories and romances in the Mass Effect trilogy. Thane is one of the characters in the Mass Effect series and a fan favorite for his compelling backstory, motives, and self-sacrifice. In Mass Effect 2, Thane is the romance option for a female Shepard, but there are several missions that players must complete before they can begin their romance arc.

Shepard will first have to make the decision to hire Thane on Illium and then secure his loyalty before any romantic options become available to her. Also, Shepard immediately learns that the romance can only end in tragedy as Thane dies and knows his days are numbered. In order to romance him, Shepard will need to comfort and support him. Even though Shepard is bonded to Thane, he won't be automatically protected from damage during the suicide mission, so players will need to do whatever they can to keep him alive or risk breaking off the romance. If Thane survives the events of Mass Effect 2, players will be able to continue the romance in Mass Effect 3. Here's how to start romance with Thane in Mass Effect 2.

How to Romance Thane in Mass Effect 2

After the mission to Horizon in Mass Effect 2, Shepard will receive new dossiers from the Illusive Man in order to recruit new allies. One such outcome is the "Recruit an Assassin" mission, which takes place on Illium. Shepard will need to follow the notorious assassin Thane Krios to make sure he survives an attack on the ruthless asari diplomat Nassan Dantius. If players want Shepard to romance Thane, it might be a good idea to prioritize this recruitment mission.

Once aboard the Normandy, Tan's loyalty mission is usually one of the last to be launched. During this mission, called "The Sins of the Father", Thane and Shepard travel to the Citadel and try to stop Thane's son, Kolyat, from following in his father's footsteps and killing a politician with an aggressively anti-human platform. This is one of the loyalty missions that Shepard can fail, so players need to be careful. Failure to keep track of Kolyat's target and send frequent updates to Tan will result in Kolyat slipping away and preventing Shepard from securing Tan's loyalty. Without his Loyalty, the romance won't start.

As long as the mission is successful and Thane and Kolyat are reunited, Shepard can stop by Life Support to talk to Thane after Sins of the Father. During this conversation, Thane will tell Shepard about his wife's death and its aftermath. Shepard will need to express his support and interest in order to start the romantic arc. Thane will call her "sicha" and promise to share what that means another time.

In the ensuing conversation, Shepard will have to continue to show his interest in Thane, and eventually he will tell her that Seeha is one of the fierce and protective warrior angels of the goddess Arashu from his pantheon. He confesses that he has feelings for her. In order to accept and continue the romance, Shepard must choose that I care about you too, or risk breaking it off.

Shepard has the ability to periodically check in with Thane. During these conversations, she will always need to reassure him in order for the romance to continue. She also has the option to end the relationship if she has chosen a different partner.

If Shepard started a romance with Garrus Vakarian or Jacob Taylor at some point in Mass Effect 2, Thane will mention that he noticed that others have Shepard's eyes too. At this point, Shepard will have to make a choice and make a commitment, severing ties with any other love interests in order to continue the affair with Thane.

The next time Shepard talks to Mordin Solus, the professor will also give advice about human-drell relationships, just like he does with any alien Shepard chooses to romance. While not required, this scene can be a humorous reminder that others on the ship are noticing the relationship building.

If Shepard completes all of these steps, just before the suicide mission, Thane will meet her in her quarters and tearfully admit that he is no longer at peace with the idea of ​​his own mortality. Shepard will need to comfort him by expressing her concern for him using a dialogue option. Thane, I'm worried about you. If he decides to drop his feelings here, because just the nerves will make him leave. If Shepard voices his concern, they share an intimate moment before the cutscene fades to black.

If players want to continue the romance in Mass Effect 3, it's important to keep Thane alive during the "Suicide" mission. Shepard should make sure to upgrade the Normandy before the mission, as Thane is one of the people most likely to die on Omega. 4 relays otherwise.

Thane is not the best choice for any group leader position during the infiltration of the Collector's base, so Shepard should not choose him. However, she will need to choose effective team leaders to minimize the risk of Thane being killed due to a bad decision. Thane is also most useful as part of the defense team during the final boss fight as he contributes a lot to the overall defense score and can help others survive.

If Thane survives the events of Mass Effect 2 and the player continues after the credits, Shepard will be able to talk to him again in Life Support about the mission. Later, Shepard will be able to use the Intercom in his quarters and call Thane into the room. Players can use various interactions in the lounge to allow the couple to sit together, sleep together, or cuddle. The romance may continue in Mass Effect 3.

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