Double Dragon Neon Cheats and Secrets - All Achievements


Secrets for passing and obtaining achievements. A welcome return of the famous Double Dragon! The night of anarchy has set in, so gel your hair, send the market to the gun and set sail for the streets of the city! A daring attack has been made on your beloved lady, street punks have stolen her from you and you need to return her back. And for this it is necessary to fire at any bastard patient who stands in your way of retribution! Well, in passing you can be helped by good driving music, which will give a special charm to the gameplay and our guide to achievements.

1. A Boo Boo
Throw A Boo Boo into the hole. Easily done on a Main Street level conveyor belt

2. Are You Awake?
In Airlock, complete the first airlock room without attacking.

3. Bone to Pick
Throw Hair pick at Scullmageddon

4. Cultured
View all concept art in the main menu.

5. Fuzzface!!
In the Assault Zone level, roll between two stone pillars

6 Grand Slam!
Hit 4 opponents at once with a bat.
Easy to complete at the beginning of the Airlock level

7. Is That a Quarter?
Throw Williams into the hole.

8. Later Ro Bros!
Complete one of the levels as Ro-Bro.
You can enable Ro-Bros mode in the map selection menu using the key combination indicated on the last concept art.

9.Metal Head
Buy an upgrade from Tapesmith

10. Mr. Perfect
Complete any level without taking damage

11. Put Your Heads Together
Face off two opponents

12. The Key to Victory
The key can be inserted not only into chests, but also into enemies

13. Tone Deaf
Complete the entire game without ever using super attacks. Easy to complete on Normal difficulty with Power Gambit maxed out

14. Victory!
Defeat Skullmageddon

15. You Did What!?
Save $50,000

16. Audiophile
Collect at least one cassette of each type (20 in total)

17. Bro-merang
In co-op, if your boomerang catches your bro in co-op, you will get this achievement.

18.Double Dragon
Turn on Friendly Fire in the settings and complete all levels in co-op on difficulty
double dragon. I recommend pre-pumping cassettes, saving up money for life and practicing evasion and restraint

19. Gleam On
Dodge a hit 50 times (maybe not right away)

20. High Fidelity
Upgrade any cassette to level 50

21. Jawsome!!!
In the Genetic Research level, during the boss fight, open both bulbs so that the dragon and shark heads are on the screen at the same time.

22. Max Fidelity
Upgrade all cassettes to level 50

23. Misters Perfect
Complete any level in co-op without taking damage with Friendly Fire enabled

24. Pick a Winner!
Throw a Hair Pick at each of the opponents
Mecha Biker
Jiang Shi
Boa Boshi

Yes, the ill-fated Hair Pick must be brought to the Mecha Biker and, in addition, the Mecha Biker must first be thrown off the motorcycle. The easiest way is to throw a Hair Pick at Roxy in Sone Kind of Lab 0.2 seconds before she lands.

25.Single Dragon
Complete all levels on Double Dragon difficulty in splendid isolation

26. This Channel Sucks
Destroy all monitors in the Space Lair. Use the Bomb Toss to destroy the monitor below the platform.

27. Tossin' on Air
Shoulder 10 enemies

28. Weapon Master
Try all the weapons in the game

29. A Foot Face?
At the beginning of the Some Kind of Lab level, hit the pear until you hear a sound (about 80 hits). After this sound, do not press anything else, otherwise nothing will happen.

Game page: Double Dragon Neon.

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