Evil days of Luckless John - Text walkthrough


In this project, you will play Johnny, a wonderful young man who often finds himself broke. Born into a poor family in New York, he lives on the street and owns next to nothing until he inherits a tiny, unfortunate casino in the countryside from his recently deceased uncle, the means of which is that Johnny is his one and only closest living heir. .

Evil Days of Luckless John: Hit the Jackpot

Kick the prison bunk with your foot. Concentrate on cockroaches crawling out of the mattress. Then talk to the young man sitting in the adjoining cell, for this you need to knock on the wall. At the end of the conversation, make some noise in the cell by yelling through the prison window and flushing the toilet. When these deeds are completed, knock on the door and speak to the watchman. You can get Prison Rules from him. After reading the book, the watchman will come and throw a bowl of gruel into your cell. Try the offered food, and then kick the bed with your foot and start crushing the cockroaches. For a specific amount of time it is necessary to transfer all the insects. Subsequently, this, as a prison cook, will be put in a neighboring cell, talk to your neighbor twice.

The day before at the same place (Casino)

Once in the office, go to the back door. Without opening it, go to the desk to use the phone. After the dialogue with Billy, open the desk drawer. Transfer the ashtray and paper to the half-eaten sandwich and take a ruler. Then put the whole pile in reverse order. You need to reach the car magazine lying at the bottom of the box. Scrolling through it, you will find a page with a circled number 5. Then, using a ruler, rummage through the urn, there you will find a piece of newspaper on which you can see the number 24. Next, go to the notice board hanging on the wall on the right side of the front door. It has a calendar marked with the numbers 1, 8, 7, 2. Therefore, there is the full date of Billy's birth: 5/24/1872. To find out how to use the safe lock correctly, flip the photo in the lower left corner of the board, under it you will find a note about the following how the safe works. After taking away the key and the gold bar from it, try to open the back door. After an unsuccessful attempt to do this, move the pedestal to the window, break the glass with an ingot and wait for the completion of your decisions. In the courtyard, jump onto the box and climb over the fence. Then go through the door, run along the corridor and go out into the street. Turn right and rush forward to the 2nd turn. As you round the corner, turn left and then right. From an insignificant square, go to the right between the buildings, then turn left to get into an insignificant courtyard. Take the box by the fire hydrant and place it next to the door. Pull the 2nd box to the fence and climb over the wall into the adjoining yard. There, go past the car to the brick lying on the ground. Look up to see loose boards on the scaffolding. After that, collect more pebbles, return to the forests and start throwing pebbles at the bricks on which the boards are lying. After dropping one of the boards, climb it up and step to the right along the wall.

Again the next day in a very friendly place (Prison)

After the dialogue with Kerry, go out into the corridor. In order not to catch the eye of the watchman, you can hang on your hands, holding on to the handrail. The first door along the corridor leads to the restroom, but about the breakdown, you can’t please it there. Do not stop moving forward, go down the stairs, if necessary, hide in the hatch so as not to get caught by the second policeman, and turn left along the corridor. In the room where the electric chair is installed, use the switch on the wall. When the alarm is triggered, rush directly down the corridor and climb the first pipe, so you can avoid meeting with the sheriff and almost freely walk to his office.

Take the teddy bear from Barnaby's little room, you need to put him on the electric chair and turn on the switch again, then hide on the pipe again. While the sheriff is "chained" to his own teddy bear, try to search it, then return to Kerry's cell to get a table leg, which lies to the left of the window. With her support, you can get the key to the toilet. There you will find an old brush, which must first be soaked in the toilet, and then lit by the electric chair, turning it into a small torch. Now you can go down into the sewers.


Moving along the tunnel, turn left. When you go out into the 1st hall with rats, rush forward, in the far right corner of the building there is a passage through which you will exit into the 2nd hall. The exit from it is located in the far left corner. After passing along a short corridor, you will exit into the 3rd hall inhabited by rats. Follow it to the left and you will reach the collector. Using the device that controls the stage of water in the chambers, which is located on the wall behind you, empty the right tank. Going downstairs, take the metal handle from the box, then climb under the stairs, where you will find a reward. Then return to the device and empty the left tank. At its bottom you will find an old gear. After filling the central tank with water, move across the platforms and floating crocodiles to the exit. By the way, it is impossible to linger on reptiles for a long time, because. they can roll over and eat you. Staying at the lowered net, insert the gear into an empty spot, and then insert the handle into the 2nd gear to raise the net.


After leaving the workshop, go to the first iron box. Slide it into a narrow passage so that it makes an analogue of the bridge. Pull the top box along the resulting passage. Having reached it to the corner, run to the back of the hall to the passages and drag another metal box from that place. With his support, create bridges to drag the 1st box to the platform, where it needs to be placed on the black and yellow square. To the right of the platform there are still a couple of the same squares, put the 2nd and 3rd boxes on them. Go through the lowered passages to the right side of the hall, from where go into the corner office. Take the bean tin out of the urn and attach it to the chain around the closet. Then take out a piece of string from the desk drawer and attach it to the jar. Next, you need to get matches from the table on which the mobile phone stands. With their support, light the rope inserted into the bean jar. After the explosion, a "jammer" will be revealed to you, standing inside the cabinet, which prevents you from making a phone call. Set the lower slider to the middle of the scale, the middle one to the left of the bottom one, and the top one - approximately 2 frames to the right of the bottom one. Subsequently, these manipulations, the large arrow must slow down in the greenish zone, and you can make a phone call. After talking on the phone, take a small box from the table, exit the building, go downstairs and go left to the door leading to fresh air. Once outside, take the pot from the pile of garbage on the left, then pour water into the found vessel from the radiator of a broken car. Pick up a piece of a metal pipe from the stacked pipes, and then talk with a friend who has come to meet you. Next, go to the boards folded behind the shed and put a pot of water on them, then use matches to make a fire. Again, return to the factory and go through the door located on the right side of the office entrance.

Try to open the locker with a pipe cutter.After a failed attempt, return to the man at the car and ask him for a tool. After taking the crowbar from the trunk of the car, you can open the locked cabinet. From it you can get a civilian suit, a rusty scary razor and shaving foam. Return to the potty, put the razor in it to disinfect it. With your razor clean, head back to the shower room and change your look.


Subsequently, as soon as you successfully reach the city along one road leading from the factory, send it to a local bar. To do this, climb the stairs, passing behind the building, close to which the car is standing. After talking with the young man at the door of the bar, go inside the building. At the bar, talk to Kerry, then talk to Rog, who is sitting at the table. From it you will see that the latest documents can be obtained from the tank, which stands close to the entrance to the establishment. Do not rush to poke your head in the trash, but to start, talk with the pianist and the bartender, then go to the kitchen through the door located close to the counter. After the dialogue with the chef, look in the refrigerator and return to the bartender to ask for scissors. With their support, you can cut the beard from the corpse lying in the refrigerator. Having acquired what you want, talk with the pianist (the man at the piano). From it, you will see that the cook has a deodorant that can help you get rid of the stink coming from the garbage can. Acquired Horn tools take them to their owner. For fake documents, Rog will demand 500 coins. To get finances, go to Kid's room, which is located behind the kitchen and ask the owner of the establishment for them. The kid will offer you to work at the moonshine, and for this you will gain the necessary finances. Take the electrical wires from the desk drawer and go out into the street. Go to the adjoining building with the "Exotic Warez" sign. Inside to the left of the front door, apply wires to the switchboard so that all terminals are engaged. This is not difficult to do, for this reason I will not describe in detail. After starting up the apparatus and running the final batch of strong drink, deliver the final product to the ranch on the way to the metropolis.


Talk to the farmer about work. Then throw potatoes at the targets provided. Having done the training, you will find a gun with which you need to protect the herd from the attack of a pack of coyotes. After that, you will gain some funds, but they are obviously not enough to purchase documents. Before you leave the hospitable ranch, pick up a pack of fertilizer lying by the barn door.
Arriving from the village, talk to the young man at the garage. He will offer to take part in races for finance, but in order to start receiving, you need to complete a test track. Create it, and then you can give preference: take part in races or go to Kid. However, you can earn extra money for documents only by taking a role in races. Having acquired the latest documents, go to Chendu (the owner of the garage). He will send you to the local shaman, providing you with his own van in your decree. During the movement, keep to the right side, i.e. turn always to the right and you will quickly get to Chimichiku's house.

Chimichiku's house

Turn right from the gate. Pick up a bottle of expired solvent from old barrels. Then go past the house to the back of the fence. There you will find a shaman who will conjure you a journey to the afterlife.


In the urn behind the loudspeaker, you will find a ticket, which must be "punched" in the composter, standing near the entrance to the exposition, and a plastic bag with funds. Then you can go to the exposition. Having wandered a little between the exhibits, you will come to a platform where there is a certain number of cash houses. Go to the left one, there you will be asked to fill out an appeal and present it to the window UB40 - this is the next house on the left. From that place you will be sent to write another piece of paper and put a stamp on it in window 69. Slip this paper into the next house in a clockwise direction. There you will be informed about the need to write another important document and then transfer it to the adjacent window. Next is another document with its transfer to the adjacent window, and then your patience is bound to burst. Offer finances to the last window and you will have an audience with your dead uncle. Returning to earth, talk to the shaman about the location and the mask. Then you will need to ride in the back of a van and shoot back from the attacking bikers.

Underground maze

To get rid of the handcuffs, you need to press the arrows in the order that you are previously shown. With any time, the composition will become slightly more complicated, but I think you can handle it without prompts.
Having thrown off the fetters, remove the trombone from the opposite wall. Then go back and go down the stairs on the left. When you release the lady, go to the pile of garbage. There you will find 2 oars. Then go to the passage located to the right of the place where the woman stands. Place the oars and trombone in the wrecked car. To the right of it, against the wall, lies a skeleton from which you can remove the rubber glove. Then return to the huge hall and use the glove to turn off the fans. Then move the box to the bottom of the stairs and return to the bridge where you were chained. From that place jump to the ledge on the right side and get over to the fans. Using a pipe cutter, remove both propellers and install them on the car, then go after the woman. Moving along the canal, turn left, then left again. Get to the first fork and land in the left "sleeve". In the round hall with skulls, pull the handles on the 4 pins and quickly return to the car. Return to the huge hall you passed through not so long ago and swim through the passage that was blocked when there was not enough water. Turn left and swim to the end. In the 2nd hall, the exit is located in the far right corner.

Return to metropolis

After talking with Candy, go to Kid's bar. Then return to the workshop and get into the car with an open top. A map will open for you, on which you will quickly get to Helen's mother's farm. There you expect to shoot with ten mafiosi, some of which will be located in front of the farm, and some in the garden, located behind the constitutions. When this is done, you will return to the metropolis. Sail off to the bar, chat with the young man standing at the door, and then take a ride on your makeshift boat to the place where the brothers drowned your uncle's map. After that, you need to go back, avoiding underwater pebbles. According to the location, sail to the temple to the Reverend Pope. Knock twice on the right side door. An ax will fall from the scaffolding at your feet, with which you can break open the left side door and get inside. In the attic, search every pile of books and boxes, you must collect 10 fragments. At the top, turn to Reverend Brown twice, he will not be able to give you an answer, because. will be dead. To the left of it there is a box on which it is necessary to use the found fragments. You need to assemble the disc so that it does not close the hole on the lid, otherwise you cannot open the box and get the key to the museum from that place. Inside you will be met by an old woman, with whom you will need to have a couple of rounds of fisticuffs, after which you can reach the mask. To open the showcase in which it is located, it will be necessary to solve an easy riddle with balls. On the video game field, you will be captivated only by the corners of the lower 3 levels. The circuit is so simple that it would be ridiculous to explain it step by step.Having reached the mask and map, you will need to hold a meeting with your own comrades, and then go to an abandoned cemetery, where animated corpses roam in packs. You can get there by driving a car through the old caves. In them, follow the rule of the right hand, i.e. turn only to the right when there is such a possibility. Arriving at the cemetery, you will have a chance to shoot at the undead. This step will be very reminiscent of the well-known firing on chickens, only the corpses will give back, unlike birds.


After a dialogue with a small-sized aunt, jump on the flickering cells. Then you will continue the speech with an unknown lady. Then repeat jumping over the cells in any order, and you can get more information. As you continue speaking, you will receive a quest to deliver a teddy bear. To do this, rush to the right (if you stand with your back to the door from which you came), go down and jump at the platform with a bent piece of iron to lower the bridge. By purchasing a toy, the formation of virtuality will send you through the activated door for another test. You are expected, like a bun, to reach the neighbor of that delightful woman with whom you have just said goodbye. In the course of the movement, you will have difficulty except for spinning labyrinths. You need to roll onto them along the final path and move on the bends to the right, in which case you can overcome them. At the end of the path, you will meet a bot with whom you need to have a thorough conversation. You will see an abundance of fascinating information in it.


Talk to Chenda about the clock, and then go to Kid's bar. Talk to him, Kid will say what time it is, and you will need to return to Chenda in the workshop. Help him repair the bulldozer, then set off to the farm for Poof-Poof beans. Mom Helen will load you a whole body, all that remains is to carefully drive them to the destination. By giving the beans to Chenda, you will help him invent the latest fuel for a racing bulldozer. With this fuel, the bulldozer will race like a Formula 1 racing car, and it will not be difficult for you to win the final race.

Bunker Barnaby

To blow up the sand pit gate, you need a bomb, which the thief at your casino can make. He will ask you to deliver a bar of soap, a piece of pipe, solvent and fertilizer. Everything, except for soap, you have. About his whereabouts you will see from the bartender. You will find a remnant in the bushes to the left of the main entrance to the temple. Then return to the casino and give all the elements of the bomb to the thief. Having acquired a charge from it, return to the quarry and blow up the gate. Deal with the guards in the yard, then go down into the channel on the board, climb into the side pipe. On it you will get to the roof of the factory. From that place, climb into the 2nd pipe from the edge of the roof and find yourself inside the building. Everything that will be rolled out next recalls the days when the Dendy and Sega consoles reigned, except that the graphical performance is better. When you eventually get to Barnaby, shoot the arrow to make his vehicle derail, and then watch the ending.

Game page: Evil days of Luckless John.

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