Black Desert - How to activate the Premium - a set of Steam


How can I activate the Steam Black Desert Premium Pack? A cool and addictive MMORPG-style game, where the developers focused on action, where you have to fight for your life to the last, otherwise you will die.

On the official website it is reported that: This premium set can be found on the in-game mail after entering the game and activated at a convenient time for you. For more information about an item, check its in-game description.

How to access the Premium Steam Pack in Black Desert?

In fact, here's what you need to do to get it:

  1. Press in game ESC, in the upper right corner, switch the menu to the old one
  2. Looking in the table "Steam (warehouse)" button, on the page that opens, click Use
  3. We go to in-game mail (icon with an envelope on the bottom panel on the right) and pick up the premium there

However, there is no Steam button in the new menu yet, perhaps it will appear later.

And that's all you need to know for now. How to activate the Premium Pack on Steam in Black Desert? If you have anything to add feel free to comment below.

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