Hitman 3 - How to Summon Behemoth (Easter Egg)


How to summon a golden hippo in Hitman 3 new locations and various places have been added. These are expensive penthouses, and castles, and parties with a lot of people.

Maps have become more extensive. The player will have to travel the world, killing enemies in exotic and unexpected places in incredible new ways.

In the last part of the game there are twelve levels, which are located in six different corners of the world. All of them must be passed. In addition to interesting new locations, all locations of the past parts will be available.

How to summon a hippopotamus in Hitman 3

In order to activate this Easter Egg, you need to get the Golden Idol in Berlin. Start the map, then go down to Hirschmuller's office (level -2) and find his safe. Enter the code 1-9-8-9 to open the safe and collect the Golden Idol.

Then we need to find a chair in the outside area outside of the power plant/club. To the south of the main structure, near the canal, there is an old chair by the pond. Throw the Golden Idol on the chair to summon a talking behemoth.

The chair will flash and the Golden Idol will disappear. Sit in a chair and wait a few seconds - there will be light in the pond and a hippopotamus will appear. The Behemoth also has some pretty ominous dialogue. He says, "Trust no one" a lot.

He also talks to you for a long time! After a while, he starts talking about completely meaningless things - and he seems to know a lot about 47. Is this a projection of the broken psyche of the 47th? Or maybe it's just a stupid Easter egg. Try it for yourself to see everything this hippo freak has to say.

And that's all there is to know about how to summon a behemoth in Hitman 3? If you have something to add feel free to leave a comment below.

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