KARDS - The WWII Card Game - The best cards in the game


World War II CCG maps have been gaining popularity ever since the alpha version was first released. The game has a more pronounced focus on strategy than many other collectible card games.

In it, players have access to several countries that participated in World War II. Each civilization has a slightly different play style and a unique set of units and card orders to choose from to build their deck. Your success in this game depends a lot on how you build your deck and how you use it in the strategic setting of the game.

With well-balanced strategic gameplay, there are no "best" or "worst" cards in the game. Each card is equally useful or useless, depending on the course of the match, the player who uses it, and how the rest of the deck is built. Elite cards are highly desirable and very useful, but they can be just as easily countered or turned into a burden as limited and standard cards.

While each card is useful in one way or another, ideally players will want to build a deck using cards that pair well with the nation they are using. You also need versatile cards that can be used in different builds and that can be used for many different strategies. This list is the "best" cards for each nation that meets these criteria.

Great Britain

Blackburn Skua Mk II (limited)

This is a dive bomber card that costs four credits to use. It has three attacks and three defenses and can attack any unit on the field. It takes no retaliatory damage except from fighters, and can pin any untapped unit card. Pinning is a great way to take control of the flow of the game and possibly stop your opponent from running away with a win. The only big downside to this card is that it can't retaliate when attacked.

Convoy HX 175 (standard)

This is an order card and it is very simple but extremely useful. When used, it allows you to draw two more cards from your deck. If you are in an extreme position, this will essentially give you two chances to draw a card to get you out of it and secure your victory. Two extra cards are always good and can help you control the flow of the game.


Tactical Strike (limited)

This Order card is perfect for dealing with problematic enemy artillery. If you've been playing cards for any length of time, you probably know that, given the chance, artillery cards can be the bane of your existence. This card deals two damage to a unit, but deals four damage if that unit is deployed in a support line, as is often the case with artillery.

Panzer IV F2 (limited)

There are many different tank tank cards, and each of them has a place in the German deck build. The Panzer IV F2 map is a powerhouse that is really good for taking control of the game. It costs six credits, but has an attack and defense of five. This card also has a special purpose that, when deployed, allows you to target another unit and force it to retreat back into your opponent's hand.

United States

M16 Half Track (limited)

This card will work well in almost any build you use it in. He can pull his weight in almost any situation. It's pretty cheap, costing only three deployment credits. He has a two-man attack and defense, which isn't fantastic, but it's pretty decent. The best part of this card is its effect. When deployed, this card can force an opposing air or infantry unit to retreat. This allows you to send any particularly problematic units back into your opponent's hand and free up your other units to move around without having to worry about them. This works especially well against enemy guard units or units that have been polished by cards like Admiral Yamamoto. This card works very well with most of the strategies used by American decks.

Gunship Mission (standard)

This order card is good because it is cheap, deals damage and increases your headquarters. Deploying this card costs only two credits. When used, it gives +2 defense to your headquarters and allows you to deal two damage to any target in the enemy's support line. This doesn't deal massive damage, but can help you take out any tough support cards that are giving you problems. Any buff in HQ can get you out of a bad situation, which makes this card invaluable for US players.


Bloody Sickle (Standard)

This card can be a little pricey, but sometimes it can be worth it. It only costs one credit, but also deals one damage to your headquarters. In return, you can draw one card and deal one damage to any unit. This allows you to fold any hard cards and also gives you the option to draw a card that you can use to get a win.

Katyusha (limited)

This card is very useful, but is best combined with a buff or defensive cards. This is a cheap card that only costs two credits. It only has one attack and defense, but what makes it so useful is that it's a blitz card. It can move and attack on the same turn it is deployed. It also has a special ability that gives the card the ability to deal extra damage when attacking. This is a great card for taking the enemy by surprise or turning the game in the direction you want. This card forces enemy players to deal with it immediately, otherwise it will become a major inconvenience.


Type 93 (limited)

This tank map is great for any build. Since it is a tank, it can move and attack in the same turn. This mobility allows you to attack the enemy and force them to focus on the squad so they don't become a major nuisance to them. It only costs one credit and has an attack and defense of one. This card has a special ability that increases the attack of all friendly units by one. This can be a huge buff that can make or break your strategy and get you out of a tough situation.

Takasagi Regiment (Special)

The Takasagi Regiment is your best friend if you are playing as Japan or Japan as an ally. As an opponent, this card is a headache. This requires four credits to deploy and is a defensive card, meaning it forces your opponent to attack them instead of other cards deployed in the same area. It is best to protect your most valuable assets such as your headquarters. He has three attacks, which is good, and six defenses, which is very good. This card can be a pain for your opponents to get rid of. The best aspect of this card is its special abilities. In addition to getting rid of the pain, when your opponent destroys this card, he is forced to discard one card. Losing a card can be a minor inconvenience or completely ruin your opponent's plans. This card is great for field control, as most experienced players either avoid it or try to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

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