Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon review 80s era


The most basic advantage of the game - it brings back to childhood. Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon is an extraordinary mix of traditional first-person shooter, free world, retrowave music and tears of nostalgia for a bygone era. Well, which of the men over 30 did not dream of becoming a Robocop or a Terminator in childhood? Or, at worst, Rambo. This is the childhood of the video game and returns. At the same time, in the best way - plunging into the neon world and giving him the opportunity to personally administer justice and justice, squeezing his well-known trunk from RoboCop:

I went through it 2 times as an affiliate client from Ubisoft not quite. But the last time I compiled the entire collection of TVs, VHS tapes, etc. The bases, of course, are all captured. It took about 10 hours for the passage itself. Yes, the video game is small, but it's definitely worth it! Regarding the gameplay - everything is like in Far Cry 3, only extremely simplified for immersion in the game universe. Here you will not need to collect weed, animal skins or engage in other pumping, which is common for the Far Cry series. However, there is a simple crafting of weapons. The number of outposts is 13 in total. It is unlikely that their capture will have time to get bored about the duration of the game. I’ll immediately tell you about the 1st minus for me personally: from about the 20th level of the skill of the main protagonist, the video game becomes very simple. And the fact that they will see you when you reduce the number of the enemy at the next outpost by stealth is no more frightening than a mosquito that has sat on its ass. At the end of the game, in order to die, you need to manage.

And like the same must be exactly the opposite? Well, yes, but only if it's not a super-cool dude who can put down a couple of many opponents with one left hand and again remind the gamer about the invulnerability of the action movie characters of the 80s. By the way, this is how it will be about my left hand. With the game history, there is complete order. I advise you to similarly collect the entire collection of video cassettes and Carlisle's notes. Personally, I enjoyed reading these notes. Good humor and bold plus to the plot line and good old retro air. Did you know that Rex was played by a real artist from Terminator 1? The one that Sarah Connor rescued. This is Michael Biehn. Rex on the poster is exactly him. Similarly, he voiced his own protagonist in the original game. The undoubted advantage of Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon is the presence of Russian localization. Manufactured at the highest level, by experts in their own business. A closely related video game is Call of Juarez: Gunslinger. It is not in vain that they are sold together. Only in "Bloody Dragon" do we see the coming year 2007 as it could be imagined in the 80s. Well, in "Call of Juarez" the atmosphere of the Wild West. These two games are loved and these two are masterpieces! Naturally, I would like to see the development of the novel about Rex Power Colt. I will dream and not lose hope.

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