Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord - How to earn money


Character customization. When you create your character, try to get as many skill points as possible in trading.

Only spend points on wrestling and other things when you absolutely MUST. My reason is that once you earn 1000 dinars you can just hire troops/mercenaries to fight you. I recommend playing as sand and desert people. I forgot what they are called, but they give really good trade buffs.

Receive money

Load 1000 dinars into your game.

Spend these dinars on some grain (eg 8-10 sacks). After that, spend some money on the 8-10 cheapest troops you can buy to repel robbers and raiders.

Do NOT interact with any subgroup or faction.

After buying grain and cheap troops, go to the city closest to you (CITY A).

(OPTIONAL) I'm not sure if you end up learning about trading rumors when you've visited at least two cities or waited a day or two in one city. Either way, spend the day in the city you're in, and if that doesn't work, head to another nearby city (CITY B).

When you arrive in CITY B or just sit in CITY A, check the market.

Ideally, there are one or two things worth selling. Don't buy super expensive, and don't buy consumables. Your army can eat them. Buy things like tools if they reap good rewards.

When you think you've made a good profit, BUY CAMERAS. They are very helpful in transporting goods.

As a general rule, try to sell items from CITY A to CITY B if they sell for at least 1.5 times the purchase price. (EXAMPLE: I buy 7 instruments in CITY A for a total of 100 dinars. Then I go to CITY B and sell these 7 instruments for 150 dinars.

Trade for a while and grow your army to 25-30 low level troops so that no combined marauding armies can overpower you.

Buy workshops if you like. They cost about 14100 dinars and if done right you will get 200 per seminar per day. I would recommend blacksmith and wood workshops to maximize profits.

After accumulating a large fortune from trading (15,000+), you can go further by purchasing the best armor and weapons in the game. After purchasing this weapon, go to tournaments and earn reputation until you reach clan level 2. Keep earning some money and start hunting marauders. If you really want to, you can vassalize a faction here, but I wouldn't recommend it. In some cases, after leaving the army, you lose 20 relationships with several people in the faction.

Earn all the money you can and trade with lords and nobles for feudal lords and more. Just wait until TaleWorlds releases more things related to managing a kingdom and getting feudal lords.


Here are some tips I have: don't buy any armor/combat gear until you reach LESS than 4000+ Dinars. Make regular saves to prevent accidental loss of money in a trade, and name them accordingly (“before buying tools” or “before traveling”). Once you have made a decent profit from two cities (500 dinars or so, for example), visit more cities that are not very far away. After visiting more cities, you get more trade rumors.

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