Valheim - How to use Greydvorf's Eye


Guide: How to get Greydvorf's Eye in Walheim is a game in which you have to explore a huge fantasy world, steeped in Norse mythology and Viking culture.

You will create powerful weapons, build unshakable castles and sail towards the horizon to prove yourself to the Allfather, and of course, die trying! Well, to prevent this from happening, you should be guided by our guide.

How to get Greydvorf's Eye in Valheim?

Everything is quite simple, to get this material you need to destroy the monsters of the Greydvorf, after their death they drop the Eye of the Greydvorf with a probability of 40%, which you need to find the Greydvorf you must go to the Black Forest, at night, they move normally in groups, a bow with fire arrows will suit you for destruction. Greydwarf's Eye can be used to build a portal

And that's all you need to know about: How to get Greydvorf's Eye in Valheim. If you have something to add feel free to leave a comment below.

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