The Last of Us Part II how to beat the Shambler


Find out how to defeat Shambler in The Last of Us Part II, what difficulties await you, what you need to do to complete the goal, read in our guide.

The Last of Us Part II is a third-person action-adventure game with elements of the survival horror genre. The player navigates through post-apocalyptic environments such as buildings and forests to progress through the story.

Shambler: unique attack; what are the easiest ways to defeat this enemy? How to destroy enemies without taking damage? The Shambler is a new type of infected that first appears in The Last of Us 2. This page of the guide explains the Shambler's unique attacks and how to destroy the Shambler without taking damage.

How to beat Shambler in The Last of Us Part II

The first encounter with Shambler will take place during the first day in Seattle, namely during the "Tunnels" stage after escaping from the TV station building. Making your way through the ventilation shafts, you will witness Shambler's attack on a group of WLF members. When you get out of the mine, you will be able to face these monsters for the first time.

The main advice is to get rid of the "normal" infected first. If you do, they won't get in the way of your fight against the Shambler. Whenever possible, try to kill normal monsters by stealth, for example, by sneaking up behind them or using a pistol with a silencer.

Shambler's unique attack is an "explosion" that releases a cloud of poisonous gas. The most important thing is not to let them get close to you during the fight. If you see an attacking Shambler, start sprinting as soon as possible. Even if the monster decides to release gas, you must be far enough away to avoid damage.

Rifle and shotgun are great for attacking the Shamblers. You don't have to aim at specific points on the monster's body.

Molotov cocktails and bombs are also a good idea - you can stop Shamblers with stun bombs and deal damage with booby traps. Always be ready to use firearms immediately after a bomb or mine explodes.

And that's all there is to know about how to beat Shambler in The Last of Us Part II.

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