Minecraft - How to make an automated honey farm


Honey is a valuable resource in Minecraft, so an automatic honey farm can give players a huge boost. Here's how to get started and automate.

All good Minecraft players know that it's better to work smarter than to work harder. From using dispensers to dispense cooked food to building full-fledged computers using Redstone, players have created all sorts of farms - automated and otherwise - to help them achieve their goals in the game. Here's how to make an automatic honey farm with Minecraft beehives.

Just like their real-life counterparts, bees in Minecraft collect pollen from flowers and deposit it in their hives. Over time, this pollen turns into honey. Eventually, the hive fills up with enough honey to collect it. After filling the hive, you can use a bottle of honey, and scissors - honeycombs. From there, honey can be used to make various foods or act as a cure for a poison. Honey is pretty convenient, and because of it, bees rank high on the list of the most useful Minecraft mobs.

The first step in creating a Minecraft honey farm is collecting bees. Bee nests, which are natural versions of beehives, usually spawn on oak or birch trees next to flowers. Once players have found a nest, there are several ways to open a honey farm.

Honey Farm Ideas With Minecraft Beehives

The easiest option is to leave the nest in place and just collect honey from it as it fills up. This can be a good choice if the nest is not in an awkward location. If players want to move the honey farm to another location, they can either try to lure the bees into the built hive or move the nest itself. Moving a Minecraft bee nest is only possible with Silk Touch enchanted tools, as using any other tool will destroy the nest. In order to lure the bees into the built hive, players will of course have to build a bee hive, which can be made from honeycomb and wood. Players can then use flowers to guide bees to it.

In any case, players need to know that bees protect their honey. They will attack anyone who tries to take it, and a successful bite results in the poisoning of the player and the death of the bee. To avoid this, players can use Minecraft campfire smoke to calm the bees. It is enough just to make a fire under the hive or nest.

Automating this process will require a bit of effort and some understanding of the more complex blocks. Players will want to get familiar with how jumpers work in Minecraft, in addition to collecting some Redstone. After that, they can start building an automated honey farm. Reddit user PickleBuzz posted his design for a fairly simple version that uses an observer block, a bunker, a note block, and a chest.

User Jax-Light had a different approach that relied on more complex Redstone calculations to achieve automation. The Redstone comparator will record every time a bee leaves the hive, allowing it to detect when the hive is full. When five bees have arrived and left, the hive is filled.

Regardless of the honey farm's CAD design, it's important to remember that Minecraft bees will need access to flowers in order to produce honey. Planting a beautiful garden will ensure a steady supply of honey.

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