Grounded How to Play Predator


Find out how to play a predator in the grounded, we will tell in detail in our manual. We will teach you to win matches, playing for a deadly predator.

Playing a predator in Predator Hunting Grounds is much more complicated than it may seem. The hunt for four soldiers should be fast work, if you believe movies, but in order for the game to be balanced, the Illfonic developer added some interesting nuances to the arsenal of the aliel. Therefore, if you want to win in matches for a predator, you will have to play a certain way. Below we give some important advice on how to do it.

How to play for a predator in the grounded

To defeat the predator in the game Predator Hunting Grounds, you need to do one of the following conditions:

  • Kill all four soldiers
  • Stop the soldiers so that they do not fulfill their tasks before the expiration of the timer.

These goals are quite difficult to fulfill if you do not know what you are doing. To help you, we led below a few tips on victory in matches for a predator.

1. Choose battle

The most important advice that we can give you, playing predator, - Choose your battles. If you shoot, cut and cripple with every opportunity, you are shooting, so see, wait and attack only when you are sure that you can leave. Usually for this you need to sit on the trees, watch the soldiers, wait, when one of them is separated from the group, or perhaps get a big damage from enemy AI. When players are engaged in activating goals or fighting enemies, it is time to hit. Quickly enter and exit, apply damage, and then disappear in the jungle.

2. Use trees economically

Although the trees greatly facilitate fast movement, you should not lean too much on them. Players know that when moving, you need to follow the trees, so it is better to throw the cloak and chase them at the ground level.

3. Spicy when treated

If you get a lot of damage, you need to run and be treated. Healing is the time when you are most vulnerable: it blocks you for 30 seconds, during which you cannot move or attack. Instead of being treated immediately, focus on flight. You will reach a very noticeable bloody trail, so keep it in mind and treat only when you are sure that you are hidden. Also keep in mind that in the middle of healing you will publish a loud cry by which you can calculate.

4. Use artificial enemies

You can use your enemies in your own interests. If the fire group is trying to act secret, launch a laser projectile into battle to stir the enemy. You can also attack in unison with AI soldiers, giving opponents more goals for shooting.

5. Running time

During the game in Predator Hunting Grounds, we were convinced that we would win the easiest if time expires. To do this, attack other players and lubricate them with the jungle. This will distract them from their purposes. If you played several rounds and know where there may be goals, guard them. All you can do to reduce time is key. The murder of enemies is also great for this, since the fire group will have to go to an additional purpose to revive the fallen comrades.

6. Know the map

At the moment, only a few cards are represented in the game, which makes it easy to explore each of them. On each of them there are only three or four camps, so if you know their location, you can more effectively chase your prey.

7. Mining - time to act on a complete coil

If you failed to destroy the capture group and you allowed them to cause evacuation, proceed by the full program. This means that you attack everything that you have, because you have little time before they can escape.

8. Raise the level as quickly as possible to unlock a new gear

Good advice at the initial stage - to play for the soldier to improve your level. This is due to the fact that at about the 12th level the new predator equipment opens, which can significantly improve your chances. Do not forget to assign this new gear in the download menu.

9. Slem Attack

If you have a lot of strength in stock, and you plan to attack a closely worth the detachment, use the attack by Slame. Being on a tree, click the jump button and jump. On the way down, you can hold R2 to charge a powerful slam that will strike a strong blow after landing. This is a good way to reduce the health of the fire group, because after that you can escape.

10. Isolation of the goal

You can use the target isolation to track the capture group. Just activate the IR scanner by pressing down on the D-PAD, and then hold the right button on the D-PAD. A red circle appears, indicating the general direction of the group's movement, and you can chase it.

11. Remove all retired

You need to constantly ensure that single players do not break off from other members of their team. A single player is an absolutely honest game, so act on the full coil and destroy it. You can even use his body to lure other players.

12. Feed wild animals

Perhaps you do not know what you can kill and eat kabanov wandering through the jungle. It is a much faster and quiet way of healing, so if you need to quickly eat, go hunt to boars.

14. Watch out the sight

The main way to issue your location is a laser sight. This is a bright red beam of light that can be used to accurately determine your location. Shoot only when you are ready, and turn it off as soon as you can.

And that's all you need to know about how to play for the predator in Grounded..

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