Arma 3 - Tips and tricks to escape


In this guide, we will show you how to survive in the Arma 3 campaign?

How to survive in armed conflicts in Arma 3?

Survival in the conflicts of the Arma 3 campaign

Tips & Tricks⇓

Key points:

Weapons and handling

First of all, always choose a weapon that you are comfortable with. It doesn't really matter how they work, as it takes most people 2-3 shots to kill an enemy, unless you're picking up an SMG to deal with heavily armored soldiers. As a general rule, when choosing an enemy's body part to shoot, it's best to choose the torso.

The head is difficult to hit, and the arms and legs do not hurt the enemy too much. The exception is when you get unlucky and use a pistol to fight regularly armored soldiers. In this case, you should sneak up on them, then when you are at close range, aim for the head and quickly shoot them down, and then by all means knock out their equipment and rifles.

When it comes to scopes, it is very important to set them up correctly. Use ctrl and mouse wheel to zero the sight, if it is adjustable. If the sight is fixed, remember how many meters it is fine-tuned to, and if the range is greater than this number, aim higher to compensate for gravity.

If you find yourself in a situation where you urgently need to shoot, but suddenly run out of ammo, switch to side weapons and keep shooting, then take cover and reload your main weapon when it's safe to do so. Call of duty was right, switching to side weapons is faster than reloading.

Equipment and armor

Don't get fanatically attached to a certain look and don't be content with your current armor. Some equipment is better than the one you're wearing. Look at the armor rating.

This is the order of increasing armor level with headgear and vests.

No Armor, I, II, III, Explosive, IV, V.

If you stumble upon the corpse of an enemy or friend, look at their vests or headgear. If their armor level is higher than yours, there is no reason for you NOT to take this equipment for yourself. The body doesn't need it. Just make sure you can't make contact while you're looting the corpse and sorting through your inventory.

No matter how good your headgear is, the sad reality is that some enemy can get lucky and hit you in the face from pure luck or accuracy. Guaranteed death, even with an insignificant bullet.

If it were up to me, you could choose CSAT fatigs by default, but you know... Bohemia, the war criminal costume, even though it's a game, blah blah blah. Definitely do it in the "Old Man" scenario!

If you're in a scenario where you're forcefully under-equipped or armored, only engage in combat at close range and aim for the head to save ammo, then loot your enemies and take their armor, helmets, weapons, and ammo immediately.

If you are completely unarmed, keep a good distance from yourself and enemies. Hide, stay away from open areas and, if necessary, hide in a building. Patience will be your friend.


Average distance:

Stay calm, crouch and pick your target. Fire one round at a time until the enemy drops dead. Consider it a day at the shooting range. Press shift to reduce the wobble. Always keep a good amount of stamina to keep your shots stable and accurate. If you're confident in your ability to aim, try a headshot, but only do so if you're confident you can hit.

Close quarters:

If possible, switch to full automatic. It's about pouring lead on the enemy as quickly as possible before he even notices your presence. The return will not be very significant. Crouch and bend over before walking down the hallway and check every doorway. If you are sure there are no civilians, throw grenades before moving forward.

Far distance:

Do not enter combat unless you have a well-aimed rifle or sniper. Shoot and see where the bullet lands, which kicks up dirt on impact. Tracer cartridges are great for long range shooting. If you have an adjustable scope and your shot is low, increase the zero number. If it's high, reduce it.

Generally avoid prone shooting. You may be harder to hit, but shots that do hit will be much more dangerous, and you'll be in even more danger from a headshot.

To avoid a guaranteed death from a faceshot, try to move more often, fire only a few shots at a time, crouch while sprinting, look away from the possible direction of the shot, operate at longer ranges, or operate from a fortified position, such as from an observation tower.


It will happen to you. If you're still alive after being hit by a projectile or explosion, here's what you need to do immediately.

Fight or run?

Fight if: You see an enemy that has wounded you, and you can fight him. OR If you know the position of the enemy and can reach him. There's no point in healing if they're just going to fire another projectile at you in the middle of healing and kill you, and using the medkit will take a while. Don't get caught with your pants down! No matter how badly you are hurt, it will only get worse if you keep getting shot at.

Run and heal if: There is a safe cover nearby that you know can keep you safe. OR you can't pinpoint exactly where the enemy(s) hitting you is. You cannot fight with what you can.

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