Phasmophobia how to take a photo of a ghost


Find out in this guide how to take a picture of a ghost in Phasmophobia, if you are still interested in this issue, then read on, we will tell you how to do it.

Phasmophobia is a psychological horror game with online co-op for 4 players. Paranormal activity is on the rise and it's up to you and your team to use every ghost hunting equipment at your disposal to collect as much evidence as possible. Here's how to photograph a ghost.

How to take a photo of a ghost in Phasmophobia?

In order to take a picture of a ghost, be sure to take a digital camera with you before starting a ghost hunt. Don't confuse it with a camcorder - a still camera is similar to a digital camera. Armed with this camera, enter a haunted place and try to make the ghost manifest itself without angering it. If you make a mistake, you and your team members may die, so you need to be very, very careful. Try to complete this task last, after completing the other tasks first.

To take a photo of a ghost, you also need to bring a friend who is carrying a crucifix. This will prevent hunting, which means the ghost won't actively attack you to kill you. You can also ask a member of your team to bring some smudge sticks in case you want to buy some time. In addition, flashlights will help you. Enter the Ghost Room and keep a camera handy in case you see something. It will happen all of a sudden, because this is a horror game after all, and jumping will be scary. To take a photo, right-click or press LT on your controller to quickly take a photo.

Remember that some ghosts don't like it when people pair up or team up. Therefore, in such cases, the person with the camera may have to leave alone. You can talk to the ghost by calling his name and asking him questions. If you overdo it and the light starts flickering, know that the hunt is about to begin. Find a place to hide immediately!

Of course, you can take pictures of the ghost, but you can also take pictures of other ghostly activities. For example, fingerprints, dirty water in the sink, bone, corpse, active ouija board, and other issues such as door movement, objects moving, radio turning on, etc. Please note that footprints and fingerprints are considered different in this game. If you took a photo of something valuable, check the magazine to see if it counts as something. If it has a label on it, then it has value.

You can earn money from this, which will help you get better equipment for the future.

That's all you need to know about how to photograph a ghost in Phasmophobia.

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