Why is DmC: Devil May Cry boring?


I'm a feral fan of the whole blond demon slayer series called Devil May Cry. Therefore, I have a very controversial position for the fifth part of the franchise, which was proclaimed a reboot and was developed by Ninja Theory. But in this material I am not going to condemn the video game in the "wrongness" of Dante and other pseudo-arguments. Most importantly, the music! The very first and, in my opinion, the fundamental factor, which was not very in the newest part of DMC - music. Say, connoisseurs of the third and fourth parts, what accompanied the revealing video excerpt at the beginning of the game? That's right, the sumptuous tune of "Devils Never Cry" and "Shall Never Surrender" by Testuya Shibata. Agree that it was insanely cute, and even pathetic, to watch the battle of Dante and Virgil at the top of Temen-ni-gru. Or for how Nero, on the way to his beloved, storms his way through the waves of demons in order to have time to hear her performance. What do we have in this part? A very controversial track on the intro, which, although it approaches what is happening, does not improve it in any way. The situation is the same with the leaders. For all the battles with them, they put on very rotten, rampant and calm music, which in itself does not give dynamics to the battles, but simply clogs the "ether in the head." As an example of good music in battles with leaders, I will offer a brawl between Dante and Virgil from the third part, not the one in the video, but specifically the gameplay. There was a track playing that created sadness and gloom of what was happening, which emphasized the fact that two brothers were fighting, with different ideas of the world and its laws. And as the creator of the note, I will say that the best video game that had luxurious music during boss fights is Metal Gear Rising Revengeance. To anticipate the comments from the series "Criticize - suggest" - I will offer. I just had to take the music from Skrillex. Simply conduct an experiment: turn on the battle with the leader, listen to a unique track, and then turn on his composition. Fine. Probably, I have already opened this point to the maximum and explained it. Not the most important - the gameplay! The second point that the game turned out to be, to put it mildly, controversial is the gameplay itself. For now, I'll explain what I mean. First of all, the video game is very ordinary, although the rivals call for a specific approach, but during the passage of the game, no one is particularly keen to create a suitable synergy. Let's say you take a young man who fights with chainsaws, add to him a cat who needs to be beaten with demonic weapons and a lady who throws an angelic shield on opponents and that's it, a sweaty battle is guaranteed. This was finally done in a video game, but in the context of an additional Blood Palace mode, which in past video games was already included in the main video game. Again, for example, I’ll remember the first part, in which for one battle you need to fight with mobs that become stronger later on, as you beat them, and with a dog demon that explodes after a specific dose of damage. The second problem of the game is the difficulty. The video game is very ordinary, when I launched it for the first time on the highest difficulty, I went through almost the entire video game with an "S" or "A" rank. Is this due to the fact that we do a lot of damage or the opponents have difficulties with it, well, their health standard is also not huge. Maybe about this, that simply the military system is very ordinary, you don’t need to learn long lists of combo attacks in order to complete a video game with an amazing result, I don’t know. But the precedent is that a video game is utterly ordinary, and that's not great. Yes, on the one hand, this lowers the defect of entry so that ordinary mortals can also complete the video game. But in the beginning, one of the most basic flavors of the franchise was to learn / come up with a long string of punches and pathos to beat the annoying leader. Listen to the song from this battle, and then turn on “Skrillex - Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites” and the battle will immediately change. Summing up, I will say that my main complaint about the video game is that it is very light and incorrectly approaches the placement and composition of its own enemies.

Not important - Virgil! Virgil is Dante's twin brother, who strives to acquire enough power to rule the world, since people themselves are stupid and can't do anything. In turn, his brother believes that people are simply directed and protected, and there they will manage themselves and figure out how to live. But at the moment, I have a claim not to the canonicity of the species, but to this, that it is stereotypically repulsive to play for the blue brother. The Fall of Virgil update is simply not good. In general, because: It's embarrassing to fight them. The plot is dull. The enemies are the same as before, just angrier and thicker. Very cheap linear videos. Now on Fri. Playing as Virgil from the third and fourth parts, we got a very active and fast hero, who in a couple of blows could knock down an army, and we didn’t even have the opportunity to see him. Right there we have a clumsy piece of a log with 3 hits and one weapon, at the same time as in the rest of them there were 3. Plot. The renewal events take place after the events of the unique game, during which Dante stabbed his own brother in the chest, and he fled through the portal in tears. Subsequently, as Virgil ran away, like a beaten dog, he fell on a tombstone and simply lay there for the entire video game. At this time, the gamer fought with his subconscious, so as not to die at all. All in all, a filler update. I don’t see any reason to write about opponents, they are simply the very same enemies. Video. Let me remind you that in the 3rd Devil May Cry, when we launched the company for Verglius, we were shown a whole video excerpt, although it was made on the engine, but it’s already nice that the creators were worried about the following, so that our eyes get a standard picture, and not just drawn semi-animated videos. Yes, of course. The extra firm for the 2nd brother is not such a harsh claim to the video game, but it is also a more important detail. Either way, DmC: Devil May Cry is an excellent video game. But personally, it may seem to me at first glance that if the creators had produced all these fragments differently, then the fans, and not only, would react to the video game with great awareness. And, perhaps, they would have forgiven the non-canonical Dante. Whatever the case, I believe that the next installment in the franchise, which comes out on March 8th, will turn out to be the coolest installment in the series. There are various prerequisites for this. Firstly, there is a good soundtrack that works according to fascinating mechanics. Secondly, it is already noticeable that various kinds of combos can be done once or twice. Thirdly, it will be the development of the content described in the 2nd part. I'm a feral fan of the whole blond demon slayer series called Devil May Cry. And as the creator of the note, I will say that the best video game that had luxurious music during boss fights is Metal Gear Rising Revengeance.

To anticipate the comments from the series "Criticize - suggest" - I will offer. Summing up, I will say that my main complaint about the video game is that it is very light and incorrectly approaches the placement and composition of its own enemies. Not important - Virgil! Virgil is Dante's twin brother, who strives to acquire enough power to rule the world, since people themselves are stupid and can't do anything. Right there we have a clumsy piece of log with 3 hits and one weapon, at the same time as in the rest of them there were 3.

Plot. Thirdly, it will be the development of the content described in the 2nd part.

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