Morrowind Walkthrough - 100% Completed


Of course, you understand that it is impossible to "pass" Morrowind - you can only go through the main storyline, help the suffering, punish the bad and convince everyone that you are very cool.

You can complete some of the available quests (and even then not all - you, for example, can only join one Great House and receive tasks from it, the rest are closed to you), try to clear all the dungeons, become a vampire and go through vampire quests (also - only for one clan)... But still, you won't find out in just one playthrough. Below is a walkthrough of the main Morrowind storyline.

I myself carry letters in the mail

After character generation, you will be asked to deliver a letter to Caius Cosades. The first task is easy. First you must get to the city of Balmora. You can go on foot, but it's better to hire a silt strider a little east of the city where you are now. Go to the carrier and ask about the "journey", then select Balmora. They will take some money from you, but you should have it for now.
Upon arrival, it is best to immediately enroll in a guild. Guilds of Warriors and Mages - a little north of the silt-strider, in the square (easy to identify by the sign in the form of a shield with a sword and an eye). Thieves Guild - To the east, in Cornerclub'e (Corner club). After registration, the Guild will provide you with work, money and the opportunity to buy good things cheaply. So far, do not spend money, but take the task (first).
Kai Cosades lives in the northeasternmost house of Balmora. When you come, report to him, get some money (200 gold) and become a spy for the Blades imperial organization. Now equip your guild or shop and get your first quest.

Dwarf puzzle

Kai sends you to Gasfat from the Guild of Warriors to find out valuable information. But just like that, no one in Morrowind gives you secret information, which you will see more than once.
For some reason, Gasfat needed a Dwemer Puzzle Box (Dwemer is a race of gnomes that have long since died out). This gnome toy is located in the ancient gnome ruins, where right now there are heaps of different bandits who are not averse to pocketing some artifacts. Of course, we will show the thieves that it is not good to plunder the ancient ruins.

Exit Balmora through the southern (the one next to the silt strider) gate. Head east across the bridge until you see the Imperial Legion Fort. Now head northeast along the road that goes behind the fort. After a while you will see an ancient dwarven bridge. An aggressive comrade is looking forward to you on it, who, upon seeing you, will immediately prove his aggressiveness by summoning a skeleton. By the way, the rule for the whole game - regardless of the summoned creature, always deal with the summoner. Now you will see these ruins, which Kai's informant is so interested in. The entrance is closed, but if you press the lever at the entrance, the passage will open. Inside, immediately jump down-left and jump onto the balcony. There should be a door to the "Empty Hand Room" (I agree, the dwarves should not be occupied with fantasies). In it, another adversary with a hammer awaits you, also eager for reprisals. When you deal with it, take this Rubik's Cube - Dewmer Puzzle Box - from the bottom shelf to the left of the entrance and carry Gasfata.
Now Gasfat will gladly share the necessary information, and even can report on the ruins of Nchuflet (with a good attitude), in which you can also take a quest or two. He can also give you a key to the lower levels of those ruins that you have already visited.

Skull hunter

Now Kai wants to learn from the orc Sharn Gra-Muzgob no less important data. The orc also knows the price of his story: they will demand the skull of some sleepwalker from you. Don't forget to ask more details about the destination and get some anti-ghost magic items (regular weapons won't take them).
Travel to Seyda Nin in a Silt Strider and head east. As soon as you pass between the mountains, look to the left and see the tomb of Llyul, whose skull we need so much. Inside, after killing the ghost, go to the left passage, then look into all the rooms. In one of them, along with the terrible undead, lies a skull. Bring the orca and get information for Kai. After receiving the information, he will promote you in rank if your skills deserve it.

By the way, now people on the streets will constantly pester you, but not with a request for small things, but with threats on behalf of the Sixth House. Do not try to attack them, otherwise you will end up in the dock on charges of killing an innocent citizen of Morrowind. This Sixth House is completely under the control of Dagoth Ur, who is not a good person at all and definitely must dye. But that's all later, and now - to Kai!

Informants from Vivec

When you sleep on the bed, you will have a dream. You will have dreams like this throughout the game. We must go for a new task, and Kai will gladly give it to you.
Kai needs information again. This inquisitive comrade wants you to talk to three informants from Vivec. Ride there in a Silt Strider and enter the first quarter, the Foreigners' Quarter. Inside, in the lower rows, go to the cornerclub, where the Argonian will live - tailed and scaly. Talk to him, he will offer to take a walk to his friend's store. True, as soon as you agree, three Dunmer will attack you, but they are not too strong, so you will figure it out. When you bring a friend to the store and go inside, he will tell you everything he knows. Before you go to the next informant, steal the book "Progress of Truth" from the bottom shelf of the cabinet to the left of the entrance, then go to the canton of St. Olms (Saint Olms).

Here, go down to Canalworks, then into the hatch in the floor. In the sewer, look for a Khajiit (half-tiger-half-human) who will complain to you that taxes are stifling, and then the tax inspector is looking for ... Go upstairs and talk to the inspector. It is easy to recognize him - he walks in a skirt. Tell him that you saw your familiar Khajiit sail to the continent. Then return to Addhiranir - that's the name of this tailed informant - and say that you have solved his financial problems. He will gladly tell you everything.

Now go to the temple, or rather to the library through the hall of wisdom, or justice. There you will find the third informant - a librarian named Mehra Milo. She will say that it is not safe here, the walls have ears, the corners have video cameras and so on. Then she will go to the back room where she will talk to you. Mehra will talk about the book Progress of Truth, which we have privatized. If not privatized, then there is another copy in the library itself, only here it is more difficult to steal.
Now you can return to Balmora. I advise you to complete guild missions, earn extra money and buy better equipment. Go to Kai and get a new rank plus 200 gold and a new task.

Informant Ashtray

Kai has another informant in Ald-Rune. Take a silt strider there and go to the next cornerclub, it's south of the large Manor District building. There you will find Hassor Zainsubani, a former ashtray who has decided to become a merchant. Talk to him and find out that he, like all ashtrays, loves gifts. Buy the book "Song of the Wind" in the bookstore (the nearest one in the already mentioned Manor District - the district of mansions, downstairs opposite the entrance) and talk to the informant about the gift. When he sees a book with poems, he will be terribly delighted and will give you the necessary information. You can also raise his attitude to around 80 if you are a diplomat. But it is cheaper to buy a book, it is too difficult to persuade him.

Kai, having received the information, will give you a package from the emperor, which says that you are the Nerevarine, that is, the terribly great Dunmer hero. From all this it follows that you will have to pass the tests, like a damned one, to prove that you are the Nerevarine.You should be at least level 10 right now, so if you're still weak, move up in the guilds.

Initiation into ashtrays

So, you need to go to the Urshilaki tribe. To do this, you have to travel on foot. Ride the Silt Strider to Ald Rune, then to Maar Gan, and then walk northwest. Go along the ridge until you see a passage to the north, and there it’s not far from the tribe. On the way, it’s better not to poke your head into any dungeons - people and non-humans are nervous here, they can beat you.
A little to the east of the passage is the lair of vampires. DO NOT GO THERE! Because they will almost completely beat you if you are under the age of majority, that is, the 16th level. If you want to vampirize, come in, expose yourself to blows and run away. Then sleep for three days and you become a vampire. Just be sure to save before this, suddenly you can not be cured.

So, having reached the Urshilaku tribe, talk to any Dunmer about the prophecies about the Nerevarine. He will send you to Zabanumd to check (the names here do not get better over time :)). In the camp there is a huge tent, inside which are the tents of the leader named Sul-Matuul and his khans, the best warriors of the tribe. We are interested in Khan Zabanumd, who lives in the right of the central tent. Ask him about the prophecies of the Nerevarine and offer two hundred coins. No, they call it not a bribe, but a gift. Now talk to the chief (central tent). The leader must be asked about the rite of initiation into the tribe, and he will tell you about the crypt in which the ashtrays once buried, together with the father of the current leader, a terribly useful bone bow, which is the condition for initiation. Only after initiation will he allow you to speak with Nibani Maesa.

Exit the camp and head southeast. You will find the Urshilaks Crypt. Inside there are a lot of various things of medium and high utility, but the problem is that there are all kinds of undead there. So without magical weapons and powerful spells, it’s better not to go there.
Inside, go to the hall with water, then jump over the rocks to the crypt of Lateria and climb up in a spiral. On the way, you can look into the neighboring tombs and find some good things. Having risen to the very top, you will find a passage to Yuno's tomb, where a very powerful ghost will attack you, which stores the thing we need. To get it, kill the ghost, and take the bow from the pile of ashes left after him.
With victory, return to the Urshulaki tribe, where the leader Sul-Mutuul will initiate you into the tribe. By the way, he will leave the bow to you, slightly increasing your financial capabilities. After talking with the leader, go to the yurt of Nibani Maes, where you will be instructed about what the real Nerevarine should do in his usually short life. You must be born under the right sign, grow up without parents, have a birthmark on the right heel, and so on ... You will receive two books, and you will also need another one, which is in the "Dissenting Priests".
But the mission is already complete, and you must go to Caius Cosades.

Operation Back Flea

Kai will report how the legionnaires of the Imperial Legion from Fort Backmoth (Back Flea Fort - sounds interesting, doesn't it?) Ran into the base of the Sixth House. You need to figure it out, because no one else wants to do it.
First you have to go to this very Backmoth (south of Ald-Rune). They will not tell you anything particularly useful there, except that Comrade Dagoth Gares did not please all the living and that he should be excluded from the living. Also, they give hints. According to the chief backmotz, the soldier who returned from the lair was ill with corprus and died in delirium and agony.
Go to Gnaar Mok and follow to the small island of Illunibi. There, go to the dungeon. Here you will meet heaps of all sorts of monsters, and without magical weapons, it is generally useless to meddle here. Along the way, you may encounter fire/earth/ice atronachs, they are not affected by the corresponding magic. Deal with the monsters quickly, as there are a lot of creatures here that reduce parameters. Reduced parameters (they are highlighted in red) are restored only with the help of the appropriate bottles or spells.

You will not go too far and you will find yourself in a place called by the despicable servants of Dagoth Ur "Soul Rattle", which in free translation means "The Noise of Souls". There you will be met by Dagoth Gares, who, with joy, before attacking you, will read a message from Dagoth Ur, the general meaning of which is: "Dude, blow me on the red mountain, maybe I won't get wet." Prove to him the futility of trying to kill you, but before he dies, he will infect you with corprus. Do not be afraid - it should happen according to the plot and it is impossible to avoid this. Corpus will give you one point each of strength and stamina, and take away the same amount of intelligence and dexterity, plus protection from any disease.
By the way, after curing this muck, all the positive effects will remain, and the negative ones will disappear. Return to Caius Cosades and interrogate him about ways to cure this infection. Yes, you will be promoted again.

Fir and Dwarven Boots

Kai believes that the ancient mage Deviach Fir knows how to heal corprus. The fastest way to get to it is with the help of the Mages Guild. Go to the guild guide and select "Journey" in the conversation, and then "Sadrith Mora, Wolverine Hall: Giuld of Mages", which means "Sadrith Mora, Wolverine Hall: Giuld of Mages" in translation to the great and mighty. Get out of there and swim to the southwest. If you don’t feel sorry for bottles or scrolls of flight or walking on water, use it, because swimming is long and tedious.
When you get there, go inside "Onyx Hall" and turn right. There will be stairs leading to Fira's hall. Enter there and look into the room on the left. There you can find "tears of the corprus", which would be nice to privatize - fortunately there is no one. These tears will come in handy later.

Now go to the hall opposite the entrance and levitate up to where this nimble old man is sitting - Deviach Fir, who will tell you about the disease, that it gives immunity to all other diseases, like the Nerevarine. Naturally, he doesn’t want to treat you just like that. Although he will accept the artifact that Caius Cosades gave you, he still wants you to look at the corpusarium and take very good boots from a certain Yagrum Bagnar. However, I immediately warn you that you cannot kill anyone in the corps, otherwise you will have to increase Fir's attitude to seventy by transferring a certain amount of gold to his account.

The Corpusarium is located to the left of the entrance to the Fira Tower. Go all the time straight until you see a friend on spider legs. I remind you again: do not touch anyone in the corpusarium! The Dark Elves are a touchy people. So, talk to the gnome (and this is exactly the gnome) on spider legs, ask about the disappearance of his people, although he will not tell you anything good. When you ask about the boots, he will give them away without further ado (such would be the habits of Kai Cosades' informers!). Now go back to Devyahu Fir and ask him for medicine. He will pour it into your mouth, and voila! - you are cured!
Return to Sadrith Mora, and from there to Balmora. This time, Kai will give you royal gifts: a shirt and pants that give great bonuses to thieving skills, and a ring that is indispensable for a burglar. And the gifts are such because Kai is leaving for the capital on the orders of Uriel Septim the eighth. Well, at least we won't get any more informants out of the ground.
I recommend now to rise in the guild for a couple of ranks and upgrade your uniforms, because a difficult test lies ahead. Kai's shirt and pants, by the way, are very useful.

Dissident Priests

We must go to Vivek to meet Mehra Milo, an old acquaintance. You will find her private quarters near the library and must break open the door to enter.
Inside you will find two levitation potions and a letter in which Mehra asks you to bring a scroll of Divine Intervention. If you're not in the know, this scroll takes you to the nearest temple.
Exit the temple and at the top left you will see a prison hanging in the air. You can get upstairs with the help of a scroll, a spell, a bottle, or better - with the help of an altar a little south. When you get there, talk to the guard, he will give you the key - and you can go inside. There are a lot of guards who immediately rush at you. I do not advise killing them with witnesses, because they will put them in jail.

It's best to slip in unnoticed. Climb up until you find a closed door, which, you guessed it, needs to be cracked. Behind the door, find Mehra Milo's cell and give her a scroll of Divine Intervention, or rather, she will take it herself. Themselves, use another of the same scroll or Almsivi's intervention scroll. Mehra will send you to Ebongard, southwest of Vivec. Go there.

Find Blata Hutter here in Port Blackheart. Give her the password "I want to go fishing" and sail with her to Holamain. The entrance is open only at sunset and during sunrise. There you will need to talk to Gilvis Barelo, who will give the book you need to Nibani Maes after you ask him about the prophecies about the Nerevarine.
Return to the tribe, where you will be given the next task.

Shield of darkness, tear and goblet

Nibani Maesa agrees that you must complete the third test for the title of Nerevar. However, the leader (Sul-Matuul, remember?) has other plans for you. You see, he wants you to go to the Kogorun cave and get the Shield of Darkness, the tears of the corprus (which you already have) and the cup with the sign of the sixth house there. We'll have to go, especially since there you can improve your level quite well. By the way, you should already be level 16-17 and have very good weapons.

There are two more rooms near the entrance in Kogorun. In one, you can play the bells (a good hammer lies nearby - too good to break on the bells), and in the other, Dagoth Girer will be waiting for you, who not only serves Dagoth Ur, but also guards the cup. Guilty of death! Take the bowl and go to Kogorun itself.
There will be crowds of creatures aggressive towards you. You also need to get into the sewers. After reaching the sewers, go along the left edge and dive into the pipe. Br-r, also swim in the waste ... Now go to the catacombs, the passage to which is located behind the destroyed wall. There, at the first crossroads, turn right - and you will find yourself in another room. Climb up and take the Shield of Darkness from the tomb of some great public figure. Now you can return to Sul-Matuul.
By the way, Dagoth Ur's evil henchman named Dagoth Utol is sitting in the catacombs. Yes, with closed eyes. In principle, you can kill him later, you can not kill him at all, but it's better to kill him now, especially since he has good things.

Moon and Star

Sul-Matuul and Nibani Maesa say we must find the moon and the star. The easiest way to do it is this. Go east of the tribe along the coast. When you see mountains, turn south. You must pass into the passage between the two "teeth", as the prophecy says. You will walk along this passage between the mountains for quite some time until you see the gate. You can only enter them during the day, as Azura's voice informs you when you try to enter.
Inside, take the moon and star from Azura's hands and watch a video in which they will explain to you what you need to do: unite all the tribes and become the leader of all the great houses. Return to Nibani Maesa and tell her about it.

World, I am the Nerevarine!

To become a mentor at home, you need to get all the responsible people to vote for you. I'll start, perhaps, with the simplest.

House Redoran. Travel to Ald-Rune, to the Manor District. Go to Sarethi's mansion. He asks to save his son, who is kept in Bolvin's mansion, the rightmost from the entrance. In the mansion, first go straight, then to the right, the door behind the curtain can be hacked. Inside is the son of Sareti, he asks to take him to his father. Guards at the sight of the son of Sarethi will attack you, but the easiest way is to just run away. A happy father will vote for you.
Others don't seem to care who they vote for. Talk to Arobar, Hlaren, and the rest of the mansions, each mansion (except Morang Tong) has a voter. A special case with Morvayn Barera. She lives in the Redoran residence, just go through the door behind the Redoran quest giver and look below for Morvayn's quarters. She, too, will vote just like that.
And Bolvain got angry with you for some reason and challenges you to a duel in Vivec. Go to the Arena of Vivec, more precisely, to the Arena Pit (Pit of the Arena), where he will attack you. By the way, he has 1600 gold and ebony armor - one of the best types of heavy armor, defense 170. Now talk to Sarethi again and become Mentor of the Great House Redoran.

House of Hlaalu. Travel to Vivec and go to Hlaalu Plaza. Here you need the mansion of Crassio Curio, who will give you his vote for 1000 coins. Eagling, who lives in St. Olms Plaza - for as much as 2000 (or you can kill him). Drum Bero lives in a "haunted house" in the same place, behind a closed door - this one is free.
Dren lives north of Vivec, on his own plantation. Raise his attitude towards you to 90 and say that you want to free Morrowind from the empire so that he gives his vote to you. If it doesn't work out, kill him so that he attacks you, just say that you want peace in Morrowind. Niwena lives north of his plantation and votes for free, while Welanda lives east of Telvanni Canton and will also vote for you for free. Return to Curio and become the Mentor of the Great House of Hlaalu.

Telvanni's house. These will have to be dealt with. Stock up on scrolls or bottles of levitation or, at worst, a jump. Go to Tel Vos by ship from Sadrith Mora to Vos, and from there it's not far to Tel Vos. In Tel Vos, fly up to the wooden balcony. Come in and talk to Arion, he will vote for free. Then go to Sadrith Mora, Tel Branoru, Tel Amur, Tel Arun, etc. - They will give you a book with a list. Terama and Drath need to be chatted or swindled, Terama can also be killed, and Baladas and Neloth will vote just like that.
Archmage Gothren will have to be killed, as he flatly refuses to vote. Only there are two Dremora Lords next to him, and he is a pretty cool mage...

Return to Arion and become Mentor of the Great House of Telvanni. Now you need all the tribes to recognize you as the Nerevarine.

Urshulaki. Sul-Matuul will not resist your request, so just talk to him. Nibani Maesa will tell you what to do next and where the rest of the ashtrays live.

Zainab. The leader of this tribe will demand from you the death of a vampire named Calvario, who lives to the north in a cave. But, moreover, he will demand a wife from Telvanni. Go to the Wise of this settlement, and she will explain that no Telvan woman will marry an ashtray. We'll have to go to the slave market in Tel Arun. Before that, in Tel Amur, buy an exquisite shirt, pants and a mantle, as well as Telvanni Musk in Tel Amur itself. Then talk about "something special" with the slave trader until she sells you a slave for 1200 gold. Now speak to the slave and order them to go together to Zainab's camp. Seeing his wife, the leader of this tribe will call you even Nerevarine, even Vivek, even Azura.

Erabenimsum. The wise woman of this tribe will ask you to kill the "militant khans" who are objectionable to her. Ahaz, Ranabi, Ulat-Pal and Ashnu-Ahkhe are the persons to be destroyed. Collect from their corpses all the items that add strength, willpower and intelligence and talk to the "peace-loving khan", whom the Wise will point to - An-Ammu. Give him these things and he will call you the Nerevarine.

Ahemmuza. The wise one of this tribe says that they need to capture Ald Velothi, which is to the north. Clear the first two rooms and lead the wise one to the statue in the center of the second room. Also climb this place - there are many interesting things, for example, an orc who thinks he is a Khajiit.


The head cleric wants to see us. Talk to Danso Indules in front of the temple and he will give you the key to the doors on the right and left.Go inside and break open the door (you will be charged 5 coins for illegal breaking :), behind which Lord Toler Saroni will give you the key to Vivec's palace.
Exit and go to the palace on the stairs behind the temple. Open the door and speak with Great Vivek. In a nutshell, he will tell you that he and Dagoth Ur are immortal and in general there should be only one left. Agree, always dreamed of!
You should be at least level 20 by now, so make your guild happy by visiting and requesting new quests. Then Go to the Ghostgate (ghost gate), go inside to the Red Mountain region. First, travel to Ordosail, northeast of the ghost gate. There, another minion of Dagoth Ur, Dagoth Ordos, will be waiting for you. Kill him and use the key from his body to open the door nearby, behind which lies the Keening dagger. Then head northwest, at the wall - north, and you will find the lair of Dagoth Vemin. Kill him and remove Sunder's hammer from his body.

Dagoth Ur

Go to the gnome ruins in the middle of the red mountain. The entrance is closed as in the ruins with the Dwemer puzzle box. To the left of the entrance on the pipe there is a lever, after using which a passage opens.
Go through the dungeon and reach another minion - Dagoth Gilvos, guarding the passage to Dagoth Ur. Understand and talk to the main villain in the golden mask. Dagoth Ur will ask you: "And what are you going to do when you defeat me? How do you like my mask? What do you think of the Empire? How is the weather outside? How is Caius Cosades in health?", after which you yourself ask him your questions. And then you start fighting. After his death, go ahead and kill Dagoth again, or rather throw him into the lava. Then stab 5 times with the Keening dagger, 5 with the hammer, and 5 again with the dagger at the heart below. An earthquake will begin, and it will be necessary to quickly tear the claws from there (but in no case with the help of spells). Azura will meet you at the exit and give you a poor little ring.

Well, that's it, you've completed Morrowind. But the game is not over: everything continues, and you can provide your hero with a happy old age.

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