Cheats and secrets of Tomb Raider Underworld


The main protagonist, again seeks to reveal the mystery of the disappearance of her own mother. Using the diaries of the founder, which tells about the final artifact, which he was searching for, but could not find, dying during excavations. To do this, she sails to Thailand, where she looks for traces of the old Thor's hammer, which gives power and might to anyone who takes it in hand. But she only finds a glove and a message from the pope about the following, that the search should be continued in the Croft estate itself, but the rivals of the protagonist also found out about this, for this reason they managed to install explosives on the walls of the house, blowing it up, together with Lara's comrades inside. But the protagonist simply does not give up and seeks to take out her friends.

All cheat codes are entered during the game:

Lara's Immortality:

Hold down the right mouse button and do not release until you press the following keys:
Jump - (space)
Fire - (left mouse button)
Action - (E or Russian letter U)
Fire - (left mouse button)
Magnetic "cat" - (Q or Russian letter Y)
Run (sprint) - Shift

One Shot Enemy:
Press and hold G (RMB), then press the keys in sequence
E, space, E, Q, shift, ctrl

Lara's invulnerability (immunity to enemy bullets)
Press and hold G (RMB), then press the keys in sequence
space, H (LMB), E, ​​H (LMB), Q, shift

Show enemy health indexes
Press and hold G (RMB), then press the keys in sequence
Q, ctrl, space, shift, H (LMB), E

A sound signal serves as confirmation that the cheat worked.

Key note:
RMB - right mouse button.
LRB - left mouse button.

Game page: Tomb Raider Underworld.

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